Istrouma Baptist Church Podcast


The Big Picture
Unlikeliest Catch
It's all about the Gifts
The Race
Grow Up
&. It's not just you
Count the Stars
Journey: Joseph's Dream Tour
10 Commandments
Son of God
Jesus is Better
The Grove
All Things New
Work as Worship
One Another Summer
Wonder Full Life
Dark Horse
El Elegido
Living Hope
Esperanza Viva
Prepare Him Room
Un lugar para El
What Would You Ask?
What Woud You Ask?
¿Que le preguntarías a Dios?
God Is
Go Global
Celebración Misionera
Dios es
The Big Story
La Gran Historia
La última palabra
The Final Word
Bless Every Home
Bendice cada hogar
Songs of Summer
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Suit Up!
The Thrill of Hope
Who's Your One
Culture Flip
One Another Sunday
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Llamados a las misiones
Operation Christmas
Light of the World
Luz del Mundo
The Seven Churches of Revelation
Las siete iglesias de la revelación
Travel Light!
Viaje Ligero
Christmas at Istrouma
Navidaid en Istrouma
Iglesia en el Hogar
Church at Home
Mejor Juntos
Better Together
El Mesías y la Pascua Judía
Psalm 23
The Revelation
Understand Overcome
Elegidos por Dios
The Characters of Christmas
Lets Give Thanks
Lasting Hope
Lord's Supper
Christmas at Home
Healthy Church
Una Iglesia Saludable
Una Iglesia Salabra
Un corazón limpio
Heaven's Hope
Nuestro Hogar Eterno
Are You In?
Are You In? Ascension
Drop Your Nets
Drop Your Nets: Ascension
Dejar Las Redes
Easter: Ascension
Pascua de Resurrección
Kingdom Culture
Kingdom Culture Ascension
Cultura del Reino
Mother's Day
The Lord is My Shepherd
Istrouma Ascension
Parables Ascension
Las Parábolas de Jesús
Istrouma Missions
Parables of Jesus
Parables of Jesus: Ascension
Habits Ascension
Romans: Ascension
Romans Ascension
Istrouma en Español
Acts: Ascension
















April 2024
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“Sola Scriptura”

2 Timothy 3:16-17


  1. The production of scripture


All Scripture is breathed out by God (2 Tim. 3:16a)


  1. Its inspiration


  1. Its implications


  1. The practicality of scripture


And profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness (2 Tim. 3:16b).


  1. Our beliefs


  1. Our behaviors


  1. The purpose of scripture


That the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work (2 Tim. 3:17).


  1. Our maturity


  1. Our ministry



There's a towering figure in the history of Christianity whose name you need to know. His name is Martin Luther. I want to tell you a little bit about his story. Martin Luther was born back in the 1400s, more than 500 years ago, and he was a very devout young man. He loved the Lord, and as a result, he eventually became a monk, a priest, even a professor of theology. As those callings demand, he was a student of the scripture. He loved the word of God and he voraciously and ardently studied it. In the course of studying the Bible, the scripture, he became concerned about the discrepancy, or the chasm, that existed between what the scriptures taught and what the dominant church of that age was doing. He saw errors, he believed, and he saw abuses. I'll mention one. There was the practice back in those days of selling indulgences. Let me explain this. An indulgence was a forgiveness of sins. You've done something wrong and you want to be forgiven. Well, the church taught at that time that they had the power to forgive sin, and if you would give an offering, you could, by means of that offering, purchase an indulgence.  There was a guy who was traveling around Europe selling these indulgences. His name was Tetzel, and he had a little song that he sang, and it roughly went like this: “When the coin into the coffer rings, a soul from purgatory springs.”


In other words, if you’ll give an offering big enough, your mother who’s suffering in purgatory can get out. Luther was troubled, to put it lightly, by these things because you don't see any of that in the Bible. It’s like, “Where do you get this, and why are you teaching that?” He viewed it as abusing the people. He said if the pope wants to build a new building in Rome, why doesn't he just do it out of his own treasury? He's fabulously wealthy. Why is he doing it on the backs of the peasants? So, Luther was upset. 


I will say, Luther loved the church, and Luther wasn't looking to be a rebel or to rebel or to get out of the church. He wanted to reform it. He wanted a renewal. He wanted to take the church back to its origins, to its roots in scripture. So, he set about one day to write down some of his concerns. He did them, and when they were numbered, they were 95 in number. They are known to history by this phrase, “The 95 Theses.” You know what a thesis is, like a thesis statement in your term paper, or you write a thesis for your master's degree. The plural form of thesis is “theses.” 95 theses. There were 95 points of concern, and he took those 95 theses that he'd written out and he nailed to the door of the church where he was like the parish priest. I know that sounds like he was defacing the property; he was not. In those days, the church door functioned like a bulletin board, and if you wanted to announce something, you could tack it to the church door and it would be seen by all. So, he tacked to the door of the church his points of concern. He sent out an invitation. He said, “If you want to discuss these things, then I want to invite you to a dialogue. Let’s talk about these things, and if there needs to be change, let's make the changes.


Well, it caused a furor all across Europe because the church was in league with the Holy Roman Emperor. And they held the reins of power and wealth, and Luther was like a bee in the bonnet. It caused a furor. Word got all the way to Rome about what Luther had done, and so the pope initiated a church council, called together leaders from across the empire, and the emperor himself sat presiding over this gathering. They were going to discuss the points of concern that Luther had raised, and Luther had raised many significant theological points of concern. At stake was Luther's life. You know, in our culture today, it’s hard to appreciate this because in our day if we have different viewpoints, it's no big deal. It's no skin off your nose. You believe one thing, I believe another; we just live in peace with one another. We have religious liberty. It wasn't so in those days. If you took issue with the church, you would face the wrath of the empire, and Luther’s life was at stake; certainly his career and livelihood. So he was on trial, and as the trial grew to its climax, Luther was asked if he would recant what he had written. To recant means you do an about-face. You say, “I was wrong. I take back what I said.” So they said, “Luther, here's your choice. You're going to be condemned, or you can recant. Which will you do?”


Luther felt these things very deeply, and he said, “Would you give me an evening to pray about what I’ll say. They said, “Yes, you may have an evening.” So, Luther went back to his room. Luther played earnestly, “God what should I do”? And through that evening of prayer and counsel with friends, he came back the next day and he stood before... now, put yourself in his shoes. Could you do this? He stood before the emperor and the might of the empire, and he was asked once again, “Luther, will you recant?” I want you to hear his response:

Unless I am convinced by the testimony of the Scriptures or by clear reason (for I do not trust either in the pope or in councils alone, since it is well known that they have often erred and contradicted themselves), I am bound by the Scriptures I have quoted and my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and will not recant anything, since it is neither safe nor right to go against conscience. Here I stand, I cannot do otherwise. May God help me. Amen.


When Luther said this, the fury of the empire came down upon him. He was excommunicated from the church. He was branded a heretic, and it was decreed that anyone who would take Luther's life would not be held liable for doing so. Fortunately for Luther, he had a confidant who was one of the princes of Germany, and he stole Luther away and hid him in a castle in a place called Wartburg. There, hidden away in the castle in Wartburg, Luther furiously, not angrily, but busily, set about translating the Bible into the common language of the people. The first German Bible was then published, and from it courage arose in Europe, and the first English translation by a man named Tyndale was published, and it set about a great renewal in the church, what’s known to history as the Great Reformation. 


Luther Stands as a colossal figure of history because of this principle, and I'm going to give it to you in two words: Sola scriptura. Sola scriptura. You see, this month, every Sunday, we're going to take a different bedrock principle of our church, and we're going to teach upon it. The first of them is this one, Sola scriptura, that is translated “only scripture.” No decree of man, no church council, no pastor can dictate anything that supersedes or takes precedence over God's revealed word. Do you want to know why Istrouma Baptist Church is a vibrant and growing church today? I'm going to tell you why. One of the primary reasons is because we stand upon this principle, sola scriptura; only God's word reigns supreme over our conscience and our faith.


I want to convince you of this same principle. That’s my goal this morning. To do so, I'm going to ask you to turn in your Bible to 2 Timothy 3:16-17. Let’s stand to our feet as a sign of our respect for God's word, and we’ll read these two verses: 

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work


Let’s pray. 




Please be seated.  


My wife and I were on vacation last week, and we thank you for giving us some days off. We traveled to Virginia where our children and grandchildren live. We had a great time hugging all those grandkid’s necks and just being with them. I want to thank Brad who preached in my absence last week. I heard he did a great job, and I thank you, Brad, for preaching God's word faithfully. But as we were on that trip and returning, my wife saw a church sign and it said this, “Daily devotions are better than yearly resolutions.” I like that. Daily devotions are better than yearly resolutions. We're at the time of New Year's resolutions, right? Everybody's got a New Year's resolution, whatever it is; lose weight, learn to play the guitar, whatever your New Year's resolution is. Could I just challenge you to this: Have a daily devotional. Daily time in the word of God because the word of God, sola scriptura, is our daily meat. It's our food. Man shall not live on bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. I want to motivate you to this, all right? Not just to daily devotion, but to a lifetime of living out the principles of God's word. I'm going to do it in three headings. First of all, I'm going to talk to you about the production of scripture – how did it come to be? Number two, I'm going to talk to you about the practicality of scripture. And finally, I'm going to talk to you about the purpose of scripture. All right; let’s take these up. 


Number one, the production of scripture. How did it happen that we've come to hold in our hands this precious book here and now? I'm going to give it to you in these two words: inspiration and then implications. Inspiration and implications. “Inspiration,” what do I mean? I mean that God has given us this book by inspiration. Now the word often translated here “inspiration” is in the Greek language a very interesting word. In fact, it's a word that only appears once in all of the Bible. One time. It doesn't even occur in secular Greek literature of that day. It's a word that Paul coined. That is, Paul created this word. It didn't exist. The reason it's so unique it is because it is describing a process that is unique. The word is this: theopneustos. Theopneustos. It’s a compound word. It's got two parts to it. The first part is theos. Theos is the Greek word for God. Some of you knew that. We get our English word “theology,” the study of God, from theos. From the word theopneustos we get the root of our English word “pneumatic,” like a tire that's filled with air; that's a pneumatic tire, it’s an air-filled tire. Or “pneumonia,” when your lungs – you don't have enough respiration. It's the whole idea of breath or wind. So theopneustos is the wind of God. The breath of God. That's what is meant when it says “inspiration.” It is literally, all scripture is theopneustos; it is breathed out by God. Folks, this is phenomenal! No wonder he coined the term. There’s no other book like this book. 


You know, sometimes we use the word “inspired” very casually. Like you hear a beautiful song and you're like, “Oh man, that was inspired.” Handel's “Messiah” – people will say, “That was inspired.” Or maybe you read a book; let’s say Francis Chan’s “Crazy Love,” and you’re like, “Oh man, that book’s inspired!” Could I just say to you? There is no other book, there is no other song, there is no other sermon. You say “Pastor Jeff, what a sermon, he was inspired today.” Not like this. I depend upon God and I ask him to help me and fill me, but the words that I say are not perfect. God's word is perfect. I seek to be faithful to it, but I can be mistaken. Church councils can be mistaken. Popes can be mistaken. But this book, never mistaken. Why? Because it’s breathed out by God. Here's what the Bible says of the Lord in Numbers 23:19: “God is not man, that he should lie…”  We all lie. God doesn’t lie. 


In Titus 1:2, God is described as the one who never lies. God can’t lie. 


Hebrews 6:18 says, “It is impossible for God to lie.” 


If God can't lie and these are his words, guess what? There’s no lie in this book. There’s no untruth. That's why we call it inerrant; infallible. It is perfect. It is God's word, and you can take it to the bank. Listen, people may lie to you. People may break their contracts with you. But God will never lie to you, and his word will always prove faithful. Take it to the bank. That's the inspiration.


Secondly, what are the implications of this? “Okay, big deal; this is God's inspired word. What's the significance of that?” Glad you asked. Let me give you a couple of the significances of this inspiration. Number one, it's true, and that's what I was just talking about. This book is true. But secondly, it is timeless. Psalm 119:89 says “Forever O Lord your word is established in the heavens.” That is, God's word will never change. It was relevant when Jesus trod this earth. It was relevant when Abraham lived. It was relevant when Jesus and the apostles lived, and friends, it's just as relevant today. It is timeless. “Forever O Lord your word is fixed or established in the heavens.” It will never change, and I'm so glad. This book is more relevant to your life than the newspaper that you picked up off your doorstep when you came out this morning. And by the way, nowadays, the newspaper that you get on your doorstep is already out of date. You know, you’d better look at your feed on your cell phone, right, to get the most recent story as it breaks. I want to tell you something. This book is more up-to-date than your news feed on your cell phone. It is timeless.


Listen, this is important. You young people listen to me. We’re living in a day where they talk about the “information overload.” Have you heard that phrase? I’ve talked to you before about what's called the “knowledge doubling curve.” Remember Buckminster Fuller, that scientist who said that from the dawn of humanity to the year 1900, human knowledge would double about every 100 years. Every once in a while you'd have an invention. The Chinese would invent fireworks. Then several hundred years later Gutenberg would invent the printing press. So knowledge grew very incrementally. But he said that when you get to the year 1900, when modernity is kicking in, knowledge begins to double every 25 years. Then you come up into the 1980s when he published his book, he said that knowledge was doubling every 12 months, every year. So every hundred years, every twenty-five years, every year. They say that now, with the Internet, and AI, artificial intelligence, human knowledge is doubling every 12 hours.


Now, an unintended effect of the doubling of knowledge is what's called the “half-life of knowledge.” Now, stick with me on this. I'm going somewhere! Listen. The half-life of knowledge. I've got some nursing students in here. I've got some medical doctors in here, so you can back me up on this. They say that when you go to medical school and you graduate, within 24 months half of what you learned in medical school is obsolete. You're an engineering student; they say that within a matter of a very scant few years, half of what you learned in engineering will be obsolete. Think about software developers. With software, there is the initial version, typically Version 0. Then V1.0, V2.0 etc. as updates and upgrades are needed.  But look here: there’s no Bible 2.0, nor need there be. There's not going to be a Bible 10, and do you know why? Because this is inspired. God breathed it out. And because it's so, it's true and it is timeless. Because of divine inspiration there is no date of expiration!  And all God's people said [“Amen”]. Doggone Right! Doggone Right. That's the production of scripture. 


Now, number two, the practicality of scripture. Young people, listen to me. I'm an old fellow now, and I've learned some things across the years, and I'm going to help you. I'm not going to charge you tuition or anything. This book that I hold in my hand is practical. You say, “Man, I don’t want to listen to a sermon. That's boring. That has nothing to do with how I live.” Nothing could be further from the truth. You're not going to watch a television program; you’re not going to Netflix something (Is “Netflix a verb?). You’re not going to watch something on Netflix that's more pertinent to your life or more practical than what I am teaching you this morning and every other Sunday as far as that goes. I'm the most relevant media in your life, if I could say that; someone who faithfully teaches the word of God, and I hope that I do. And your Sunday School teachers, your small group leaders, your Bible study leaders, because they're giving you the inspired word of God, and it's practical. He says that this inspired word is profitable. I love that word. It means useful. It means valuable. This is useful, this is valuable, this is practical, all right? And he gives us four ways in which it is practical. Watch this. Four ways it’s practical: for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness. Now, watch. Instruction is positive. “Here's what you ought to believe.” Reproof is negative. That's like, “Oops, you've got it wrong there; let me reprove you. Correction is also negative. And then the last word, training in righteousness is positive. So it's positive, negative, negative, positive. Do you see that? Those four characteristics are actually two pairs. The positive and negative first go together, and then the third and fourth, negative and positive, they go together. It’s what’s called in scripture a “chiasm.” Those two pairs go together. The first two pertain to our beliefs. The Bible gives us instruction as to what we ought to believe, and it reproves us when we believe anything different from that. But it's not just our beliefs that we get from the Bible. It ought to govern our behavior, and that's the last couplet. For correction; that is, when I’m off the path, and I’m behaving as I ought not, the word of God corrects me. And then it trains me in right conduct, righteousness, right living, making it practical. 


Let me give you a word picture that I think will help you. Every little boy's dream – let me help you with next year’s Christmas list, all right? Moms, dads, listen. You want to get your son a gift he’ll like? Get him a Swiss Army Knife if he's never had one. How many of you have ever had a Swiss Army Knife? Would you raise your hand up? Swiss Army Knife – there's nothing cooler in the world. The reason it's cool is because it's so practical. You've got a magnifying glass. You've got scissors. You've got tweezers. You've got a ruler. You've got a saw –  you can saw off a little branch. It's even got a hidden toothpick, did y'all know this? It’s pretty nasty; you can use that toothpick and put it back in the knife. That’s funny! Swiss Army Knife. But it's practical. 


The Bible is your spiritual Swiss Army Knife. It instructs you. It reproves you. It corrects you. It trains you in righteousness. For some of you, you're not into Swiss Army Knives. Let me just use this illustration. This is a smartphone. This is the Millennials’ Swiss Army Knife, right here. Have you ever thought about what a smartphone can do? It's crazy! It's a phone. It's an alarm clock. It's a stopwatch. It's a calendar. It's a secretary. I can speak into this, and it will transcribe in written form what I say. I can text. I can email. When we were driving from Virginia to Louisiana, I didn't have to worry about where to turn. This is a guide for me. I could go on; you get the idea. I know you love your smartphone. You wouldn't dream of going anywhere without your smartphone. You lose it, and you’d start having hives – “where’s my smartphone?” You wake up; it's the first thing you consult. It’s the last thing; you put yourself to sleep scrolling through Instagram picks. Hey, don't go anywhere without God's word. Hide it in your heart. Daily devotional in it. Live it. It is practical.


Now, to the end. The purpose of it. I’ll just give you these two. It helps us become mature. Do you know why a lot of people in church are immature? Because they don't know the word of God. You become mature, the Bible says, speaking the truth in love. We are to grow up into him who is the head. How do you grow up? You get the word of God in you, and then, not only will you be mature, you’ll minister. You’ll serve.


Our ministries grow out of our knowledge of the word of God. And, oh, the ministry that God wants to do through your life. You’re some of the most gifted, dedicated people I know, and as you imbibe the truth of God's word you're going to be equipped and strengthened to find your place in ministry, and conduct it.


We're going to conclude this morning by celebrating the Lord's Supper. I’m going to tell you one last story. There was once a ship in the British Royal Navy. It was called The Bounty. It had a captain who was very demanding; some say cruel, even. They were sailing in the South Pacific, and they happened into the Tahiti Islands. They set down their anchor, and they lived there in Tahiti for a period of time. The sailors, they thought they’d died and gone to heaven. They’d come from cold, wet England, and here they are in balmy Tahiti. Palm trees swaying. Gentle breeze. Beautiful island women. The sailors reveled; they loved being in those islands. 


The captain finally had had enough, and he said, “All right, we're going to get on board, and we're going to leave. We're going to go about our duties.” Some of the sailors decided they would mutiny; that is, turn on the captain, and they did. They put the captain and some of the senior officers into one of those rowboats, like a lifeboat on the ship, and they sent them away. They commandeered the ship. They put on board the ship a couple of dozen Tahiti people, many of them women, and these sailors sailed off into the ocean blue with these beautiful Tahiti women. They ended up finding a small remote island called Pitcairn Island. You can look it up. Pitcairn Island. They sailed into the bay of this beautiful tropical island. They took off everything of value from the ship, and they burned the ship so that they would never be discovered, they hoped. Because, look, if you mutiny against the Royal British Navy, it's a capital offense, so they're hiding for their lives. There, they think they've died and gone to the Garden of Eden. They are living ungodly lives. They discovered how to make alcohol from one of the plants on the island, and they're drinking, and they’re being sexually immoral. 


But as the years go by, their Garden of Eden does what the first Garden of Eden did. It goes south. The men become jealous, fighting over the women. Many of the men are killed. Finally, there's only one British man still living. A number of Tahiti women are living. Now, they’ve fathered many children; kind of a colony there. The man is distraught. He sees the ruin and chaos about him, and he's searching through the things that they got off the ship, and he discovers a Bible and a Book of Common Prayer. He begins to study the word of God, and he becomes convicted of his sin and his need to repent and get right with God and get saved. And he does. Then he takes that same word of God, and he begins to teach the women he once abused, and the children. 


Many years go by. In 1808, an American ship happened upon that island. They went there. They needed water, and they landed on the island. They discovered these people; now listen. Where there had once been warring and violence and crimes, there was peace. There wasn't a jail on the island. There wasn't a need for one. And the people were all Christian. How did that happen? Two words: sola scriptura, God's word transformed their lives. God intends that nothing less happen with us. He wants to transform us by his word. Do you know the primary way we’re transformed? Here I’m coming to the end. Jesus said to those who heard him; he said, “You study the scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life. It is they that bear witness about me.” In other words, Jesus was saying, “It’s not enough to know scripture. You've got to know me.” He is the focal point of scripture. Do you know Christ? If not, this day, surrender your life to him, he who died on the cross, shed his blood, his body was broken for us. He arose from the dead so that we might be forgiven and transformed.


Let's stand with our heads bowed.




[Lord’s Supper] 


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Category:Solas -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Sola Scriptura

Sermon Series: Solas

2 Timothy 3:16-17

Istrouma Baptist Church – Jeff Ginn, Lead Pastor

10:45 AM Sermon January 5, 2020






  1. The production of scripture

All Scripture is breathed out by God (2 Tim. 3:16a).


  1.    Its inspiration


  1. Its implications



  1. The practicality of scripture

And profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness (2 Tim. 3:16b).


  1. Our beliefs


  1.    Our behaviors



  1. The purpose of scripture

That the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work (2 Tim. 3:17).


  1. Our maturity


  1. Our ministry







There's a towering figure in the history of Christianity whose name you need to know. His name is Martin Luther. I want to tell you a little bit about his story. Martin Luther was born back in the 1400s, more than 500 years ago, and he was a very devout young man. He loved the Lord, and as a result, he eventually became a monk, a priest, even a professor of theology. As those callings demand, he was a student of the scripture. He loved the word of God and he voraciously and ardently studied it. In the course of studying the Bible, the scripture, he became concerned about the discrepancy, or the chasm, that existed between what the scriptures taught and what the dominant church of that age was doing. He saw errors, he believed, and he saw abuses. I'll mention one. There was the practice back in those days of selling indulgences. Let me explain this. An indulgence was a forgiveness of sins. You've done something wrong and you want to be forgiven. Well, the church taught at that time that they had the power to forgive sin, and if you would give an offering, you could, by means of that offering, purchase an indulgence.  There was a guy who was traveling around Europe selling these indulgences. His name was Tetzel, and he had a little song that he sang, and it roughly went like this: “When the coin into the coffer rings, a soul from purgatory springs.”


In other words, if you’ll give an offering big enough, your mother who’s suffering in purgatory can get out. Luther was troubled, to put it lightly, by these things because you don't see any of that in the Bible. It’s like, “Where do you get this, and why are you teaching that?” He viewed it as abusing the people. He said if the pope wants to build a new building in Rome, why doesn't he just do it out of his own treasury? He's fabulously wealthy. Why is he doing it on the backs of the peasants? So, Luther was upset. 


I will say, Luther loved the church, and Luther wasn't looking to be a rebel or to rebel or to get out of the church. He wanted to reform it. He wanted a renewal. He wanted to take the church back to its origins, to its roots in scripture. So, he set about one day to write down some of his concerns. He did them, and when they were numbered, they were 95 in number. They are known to history by this phrase, “The 95 Theses.” You know what a thesis is, like a thesis statement in your term paper, or you write a thesis for your master's degree. The plural form of thesis is “theses.” 95 theses. There were 95 points of concern, and he took those 95 theses that he'd written out and he nailed to the door of the church where he was like the parish priest. I know that sounds like he was defacing the property; he was not. In those days, the church door functioned like a bulletin board, and if you wanted to announce something, you could tack it to the church door and it would be seen by all. So, he tacked to the door of the church his points of concern. He sent out an invitation. He said, “If you want to discuss these things, then I want to invite you to a dialogue. Let’s talk about these things, and if there needs to be change, let's make the changes.


Well, it caused a furor all across Europe because the church was in league with the Holy Roman Emperor. And they held the reins of power and wealth, and Luther was like a bee in the bonnet. It caused a furor. Word got all the way to Rome about what Luther had done, and so the pope initiated a church council, called together leaders from across the empire, and the emperor himself sat presiding over this gathering. They were going to discuss the points of concern that Luther had raised, and Luther had raised many significant theological points of concern. At stake was Luther's life. You know, in our culture today, it’s hard to appreciate this because in our day if we have different viewpoints, it's no big deal. It's no skin off your nose. You believe one thing, I believe another; we just live in peace with one another. We have religious liberty. It wasn't so in those days. If you took issue with the church, you would face the wrath of the empire, and Luther’s life was at stake; certainly his career and livelihood. So he was on trial, and as the trial grew to its climax, Luther was asked if he would recant what he had written. To recant means you do an about-face. You say, “I was wrong. I take back what I said.” So they said, “Luther, here's your choice. You're going to be condemned, or you can recant. Which will you do?”


Luther felt these things very deeply, and he said, “Would you give me an evening to pray about what I’ll say. They said, “Yes, you may have an evening.” So, Luther went back to his room. Luther played earnestly, “God what should I do”? And through that evening of prayer and counsel with friends, he came back the next day and he stood before... now, put yourself in his shoes. Could you do this? He stood before the emperor and the might of the empire, and he was asked once again, “Luther, will you recant?” I want you to hear his response:

Unless I am convinced by the testimony of the Scriptures or by clear reason (for I do not trust either in the pope or in councils alone, since it is well known that they have often erred and contradicted themselves), I am bound by the Scriptures I have quoted and my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and will not recant anything, since it is neither safe nor right to go against conscience. Here I stand, I cannot do otherwise. May God help me. Amen.


When Luther said this, the fury of the empire came down upon him. He was excommunicated from the church. He was branded a heretic, and it was decreed that anyone who would take Luther's life would not be held liable for doing so. Fortunately for Luther, he had a confidant who was one of the princes of Germany, and he stole Luther away and hid him in a castle in a place called Wartburg. There, hidden away in the castle in Wartburg, Luther furiously, not angrily, but busily, set about translating the Bible into the common language of the people. The first German Bible was then published, and from it courage arose in Europe, and the first English translation by a man named Tyndale was published, and it set about a great renewal in the church, what’s known to history as the Great Reformation. 


Luther Stands as a colossal figure of history because of this principle, and I'm going to give it to you in two words: Sola scriptura. Sola scriptura. You see, this month, every Sunday, we're going to take a different bedrock principle of our church, and we're going to teach upon it. The first of them is this one, Sola scriptura, that is translated “only scripture.” No decree of man, no church council, no pastor can dictate anything that supersedes or takes precedence over God's revealed word. Do you want to know why Istrouma Baptist Church is a vibrant and growing church today? I'm going to tell you why. One of the primary reasons is because we stand upon this principle, sola scriptura; only God's word reigns supreme over our conscience and our faith.


I want to convince you of this same principle. That’s my goal this morning. To do so, I'm going to ask you to turn in your Bible to 2 Timothy 3:16-17. Let’s stand to our feet as a sign of our respect for God's word, and we’ll read these two verses: 

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work


Let’s pray. 




Please be seated.  


My wife and I were on vacation last week, and we thank you for giving us some days off. We traveled to Virginia where our children and grandchildren live. We had a great time hugging all those grandkid’s necks and just being with them. I want to thank Brad who preached in my absence last week. I heard he did a great job, and I thank you, Brad, for preaching God's word faithfully. But as we were on that trip and returning, my wife saw a church sign and it said this, “Daily devotions are better than yearly resolutions.” I like that. Daily devotions are better than yearly resolutions. We're at the time of New Year's resolutions, right? Everybody's got a New Year's resolution, whatever it is; lose weight, learn to play the guitar, whatever your New Year's resolution is. Could I just challenge you to this: Have a daily devotional. Daily time in the word of God because the word of God, sola scriptura, is our daily meat. It's our food. Man shall not live on bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. I want to motivate you to this, all right? Not just to daily devotion, but to a lifetime of living out the principles of God's word. I'm going to do it in three headings. First of all, I'm going to talk to you about the production of scripture – how did it come to be? Number two, I'm going to talk to you about the practicality of scripture. And finally, I'm going to talk to you about the purpose of scripture. All right; let’s take these up. 


Number one, the production of scripture. How did it happen that we've come to hold in our hands this precious book here and now? I'm going to give it to you in these two words: inspiration and then implications. Inspiration and implications. “Inspiration,” what do I mean? I mean that God has given us this book by inspiration. Now the word often translated here “inspiration” is in the Greek language a very interesting word. In fact, it's a word that only appears once in all of the Bible. One time. It doesn't even occur in secular Greek literature of that day. It's a word that Paul coined. That is, Paul created this word. It didn't exist. The reason it's so unique it is because it is describing a process that is unique. The word is this: theopneustos. Theopneustos. It’s a compound word. It's got two parts to it. The first part is theos. Theos is the Greek word for God. Some of you knew that. We get our English word “theology,” the study of God, from theos. From the word theopneustos we get the root of our English word “pneumatic,” like a tire that's filled with air; that's a pneumatic tire, it’s an air-filled tire. Or “pneumonia,” when your lungs – you don't have enough respiration. It's the whole idea of breath or wind. So theopneustos is the wind of God. The breath of God. That's what is meant when it says “inspiration.” It is literally, all scripture is theopneustos; it is breathed out by God. Folks, this is phenomenal! No wonder he coined the term. There’s no other book like this book. 


You know, sometimes we use the word “inspired” very casually. Like you hear a beautiful song and you're like, “Oh man, that was inspired.” Handel's “Messiah” – people will say, “That was inspired.” Or maybe you read a book; let’s say Francis Chan’s “Crazy Love,” and you’re like, “Oh man, that book’s inspired!” Could I just say to you? There is no other book, there is no other song, there is no other sermon. You say “Pastor Jeff, what a sermon, he was inspired today.” Not like this. I depend upon God and I ask him to help me and fill me, but the words that I say are not perfect. God's word is perfect. I seek to be faithful to it, but I can be mistaken. Church councils can be mistaken. Popes can be mistaken. But this book, never mistaken. Why? Because it’s breathed out by God. Here's what the Bible says of the Lord in Numbers 23:19: “God is not man, that he should lie…”  We all lie. God doesn’t lie. 


In Titus 1:2, God is described as the one who never lies. God can’t lie. 


Hebrews 6:18 says, “It is impossible for God to lie.” 


If God can't lie and these are his words, guess what? There’s no lie in this book. There’s no untruth. That's why we call it inerrant; infallible. It is perfect. It is God's word, and you can take it to the bank. Listen, people may lie to you. People may break their contracts with you. But God will never lie to you, and his word will always prove faithful. Take it to the bank. That's the inspiration.


Secondly, what are the implications of this? “Okay, big deal; this is God's inspired word. What's the significance of that?” Glad you asked. Let me give you a couple of the significances of this inspiration. Number one, it's true, and that's what I was just talking about. This book is true. But secondly, it is timeless. Psalm 119:89 says “Forever O Lord your word is established in the heavens.” That is, God's word will never change. It was relevant when Jesus trod this earth. It was relevant when Abraham lived. It was relevant when Jesus and the apostles lived, and friends, it's just as relevant today. It is timeless. “Forever O Lord your word is fixed or established in the heavens.” It will never change, and I'm so glad. This book is more relevant to your life than the newspaper that you picked up off your doorstep when you came out this morning. And by the way, nowadays, the newspaper that you get on your doorstep is already out of date. You know, you’d better look at your feed on your cell phone, right, to get the most recent story as it breaks. I want to tell you something. This book is more up-to-date than your news feed on your cell phone. It is timeless.


Listen, this is important. You young people listen to me. We’re living in a day where they talk about the “information overload.” Have you heard that phrase? I’ve talked to you before about what's called the “knowledge doubling curve.” Remember Buckminster Fuller, that scientist who said that from the dawn of humanity to the year 1900, human knowledge would double about every 100 years. Every once in a while you'd have an invention. The Chinese would invent fireworks. Then several hundred years later Gutenberg would invent the printing press. So knowledge grew very incrementally. But he said that when you get to the year 1900, when modernity is kicking in, knowledge begins to double every 25 years. Then you come up into the 1980s when he published his book, he said that knowledge was doubling every 12 months, every year. So every hundred years, every twenty-five years, every year. They say that now, with the Internet, and AI, artificial intelligence, human knowledge is doubling every 12 hours.


Now, an unintended effect of the doubling of knowledge is what's called the “half-life of knowledge.” Now, stick with me on this. I'm going somewhere! Listen. The half-life of knowledge. I've got some nursing students in here. I've got some medical doctors in here, so you can back me up on this. They say that when you go to medical school and you graduate, within 24 months half of what you learned in medical school is obsolete. You're an engineering student; they say that within a matter of a very scant few years, half of what you learned in engineering will be obsolete. Think about software developers. With software, there is the initial version, typically Version 0. Then V1.0, V2.0 etc. as updates and upgrades are needed.  But look here: there’s no Bible 2.0, nor need there be. There's not going to be a Bible 10, and do you know why? Because this is inspired. God breathed it out. And because it's so, it's true and it is timeless. Because of divine inspiration there is no date of expiration!  And all God's people said [“Amen”]. Doggone Right! Doggone Right. That's the production of scripture. 


Now, number two, the practicality of scripture. Young people, listen to me. I'm an old fellow now, and I've learned some things across the years, and I'm going to help you. I'm not going to charge you tuition or anything. This book that I hold in my hand is practical. You say, “Man, I don’t want to listen to a sermon. That's boring. That has nothing to do with how I live.” Nothing could be further from the truth. You're not going to watch a television program; you’re not going to Netflix something (Is “Netflix a verb?). You’re not going to watch something on Netflix that's more pertinent to your life or more practical than what I am teaching you this morning and every other Sunday as far as that goes. I'm the most relevant media in your life, if I could say that; someone who faithfully teaches the word of God, and I hope that I do. And your Sunday School teachers, your small group leaders, your Bible study leaders, because they're giving you the inspired word of God, and it's practical. He says that this inspired word is profitable. I love that word. It means useful. It means valuable. This is useful, this is valuable, this is practical, all right? And he gives us four ways in which it is practical. Watch this. Four ways it’s practical: for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness. Now, watch. Instruction is positive. “Here's what you ought to believe.” Reproof is negative. That's like, “Oops, you've got it wrong there; let me reprove you. Correction is also negative. And then the last word, training in righteousness is positive. So it's positive, negative, negative, positive. Do you see that? Those four characteristics are actually two pairs. The positive and negative first go together, and then the third and fourth, negative and positive, they go together. It’s what’s called in scripture a “chiasm.” Those two pairs go together. The first two pertain to our beliefs. The Bible gives us instruction as to what we ought to believe, and it reproves us when we believe anything different from that. But it's not just our beliefs that we get from the Bible. It ought to govern our behavior, and that's the last couplet. For correction; that is, when I’m off the path, and I’m behaving as I ought not, the word of God corrects me. And then it trains me in right conduct, righteousness, right living, making it practical. 


Let me give you a word picture that I think will help you. Every little boy's dream – let me help you with next year’s Christmas list, all right? Moms, dads, listen. You want to get your son a gift he’ll like? Get him a Swiss Army Knife if he's never had one. How many of you have ever had a Swiss Army Knife? Would you raise your hand up? Swiss Army Knife – there's nothing cooler in the world. The reason it's cool is because it's so practical. You've got a magnifying glass. You've got scissors. You've got tweezers. You've got a ruler. You've got a saw –  you can saw off a little branch. It's even got a hidden toothpick, did y'all know this? It’s pretty nasty; you can use that toothpick and put it back in the knife. That’s funny! Swiss Army Knife. But it's practical. 


The Bible is your spiritual Swiss Army Knife. It instructs you. It reproves you. It corrects you. It trains you in righteousness. For some of you, you're not into Swiss Army Knives. Let me just use this illustration. This is a smartphone. This is the Millennials’ Swiss Army Knife, right here. Have you ever thought about what a smartphone can do? It's crazy! It's a phone. It's an alarm clock. It's a stopwatch. It's a calendar. It's a secretary. I can speak into this, and it will transcribe in written form what I say. I can text. I can email. When we were driving from Virginia to Louisiana, I didn't have to worry about where to turn. This is a guide for me. I could go on; you get the idea. I know you love your smartphone. You wouldn't dream of going anywhere without your smartphone. You lose it, and you’d start having hives – “where’s my smartphone?” You wake up; it's the first thing you consult. It’s the last thing; you put yourself to sleep scrolling through Instagram picks. Hey, don't go anywhere without God's word. Hide it in your heart. Daily devotional in it. Live it. It is practical.


Now, to the end. The purpose of it. I’ll just give you these two. It helps us become mature. Do you know why a lot of people in church are immature? Because they don't know the word of God. You become mature, the Bible says, speaking the truth in love. We are to grow up into him who is the head. How do you grow up? You get the word of God in you, and then, not only will you be mature, you’ll minister. You’ll serve.


Our ministries grow out of our knowledge of the word of God. And, oh, the ministry that God wants to do through your life. You’re some of the most gifted, dedicated people I know, and as you imbibe the truth of God's word you're going to be equipped and strengthened to find your place in ministry, and conduct it.


We're going to conclude this morning by celebrating the Lord's Supper. I’m going to tell you one last story. There was once a ship in the British Royal Navy. It was called The Bounty. It had a captain who was very demanding; some say cruel, even. They were sailing in the South Pacific, and they happened into the Tahiti Islands. They set down their anchor, and they lived there in Tahiti for a period of time. The sailors, they thought they’d died and gone to heaven. They’d come from cold, wet England, and here they are in balmy Tahiti. Palm trees swaying. Gentle breeze. Beautiful island women. The sailors reveled; they loved being in those islands. 


The captain finally had had enough, and he said, “All right, we're going to get on board, and we're going to leave. We're going to go about our duties.” Some of the sailors decided they would mutiny; that is, turn on the captain, and they did. They put the captain and some of the senior officers into one of those rowboats, like a lifeboat on the ship, and they sent them away. They commandeered the ship. They put on board the ship a couple of dozen Tahiti people, many of them women, and these sailors sailed off into the ocean blue with these beautiful Tahiti women. They ended up finding a small remote island called Pitcairn Island. You can look it up. Pitcairn Island. They sailed into the bay of this beautiful tropical island. They took off everything of value from the ship, and they burned the ship so that they would never be discovered, they hoped. Because, look, if you mutiny against the Royal British Navy, it's a capital offense, so they're hiding for their lives. There, they think they've died and gone to the Garden of Eden. They are living ungodly lives. They discovered how to make alcohol from one of the plants on the island, and they're drinking, and they’re being sexually immoral. 


But as the years go by, their Garden of Eden does what the first Garden of Eden did. It goes south. The men become jealous, fighting over the women. Many of the men are killed. Finally, there's only one British man still living. A number of Tahiti women are living. Now, they’ve fathered many children; kind of a colony there. The man is distraught. He sees the ruin and chaos about him, and he's searching through the things that they got off the ship, and he discovers a Bible and a Book of Common Prayer. He begins to study the word of God, and he becomes convicted of his sin and his need to repent and get right with God and get saved. And he does. Then he takes that same word of God, and he begins to teach the women he once abused, and the children. 


Many years go by. In 1808, an American ship happened upon that island. They went there. They needed water, and they landed on the island. They discovered these people; now listen. Where there had once been warring and violence and crimes, there was peace. There wasn't a jail on the island. There wasn't a need for one. And the people were all Christian. How did that happen? Two words: sola scriptura, God's word transformed their lives. God intends that nothing less happen with us. He wants to transform us by his word. Do you know the primary way we’re transformed? Here I’m coming to the end. Jesus said to those who heard him; he said, “You study the scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life. It is they that bear witness about me.” In other words, Jesus was saying, “It’s not enough to know scripture. You've got to know me.” He is the focal point of scripture. Do you know Christ? If not, this day, surrender your life to him, he who died on the cross, shed his blood, his body was broken for us. He arose from the dead so that we might be forgiven and transformed.


Let's stand with our heads bowed.




[Lord’s Supper] 


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Category:Solas -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

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“Solo Scriptura”


2 Timoteo 3.16-17


  1. La procedencia de las Escrituras.


Toda la Escritura es inspirada por Dios…” (2 Tim. 3: 16a)

  1. Su inspiración
  2. Sus implicaciones


  1. La practicidad de las Escrituras.


“…y útil para enseñar, para reprender, para corregir y para instruir en la justiciar” (2 Tim. 3: 16b).

  1. Nuestra creencia
  2. Nuestro comportamiento


  1. El propósito de la escritura.


A fin de que los siervos de Dios estén plenamente capacitados para toda buena obra” (2 Tim. 3:17).


  1. Nuestra madurez
  2. Nuestro ministerio



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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

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Category:Luz del Mundo -- posted at: 5:57pm EDT

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Category:Light of the World -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Direct download: IBC_20191224.mp3
Category:Light of the World -- posted at: 4:00pm EDT

Without light we couldn’t live.  Sunlight sustains life.  It brings us lots of benefits, some of which you might not be aware.  I came across an article this week that lists 5 wide-ranging benefits of natural light.  Caveat: the article was written by a company that sells skylights!  Anyway, here are some excerpts from their list.


It helps with learning.  Artificial light could actually be damaging students’ academic progress. Comparative studies of schools in both Sweden and the United States show that students absorb and process information faster when they receive ample natural light. One study found that students whose schools used natural lighting progressed 20% faster on standardized math tests and 26% faster on reading tests than students who learn under artificial light.


It helps with business.  Having natural light in a retail store has been shown to improve sales. A case study found that, on average, facilities that had natural light had sales numbers up to 6% higher than facilities with artificial lighting. Another study, conducted by Walmart discovered that the same product, when displayed under natural light, would consistently outsell an identical item in a non-daylit section of the store.


It helps our health. Moderate exposure to sunlight helps improve visual health and aid in the prevention of medical conditions including seasonal affective disorder, pre-diabetes, multiple sclerosis, hypertension, and some autoimmune diseases. Natural light is so beneficial that workplaces who integrate it experience a decrease in employee sick days of up to 6.5%.


Natural light has a lot of benefits.  This was not an exhaustive list.  The sun lights our world and brings us good.


But this Sunday I want to focus on spiritual light.  There is a spiritual sun (and, by the way, he is the creator of the physical sun)!  Malachi 4:2b speaks of him.  The prophet foretells that “the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings.”


Who is this “sun of righteousness?”  He is the light of the world—Jesus! In John 8:12 Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.”  Oh the good that comes to those who embrace and dwell in his light!


Join us for Christmas at Istrouma this Sunday as we continue our series, “The Light of the World.”


The Light of the World

John 8:12


  1. An incredible claim


Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life (8:12a).


  1. Jesus will deliver you


  1. Jesus will direct you



  1. An inevitable consequence


Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (8:12b).


  1. There is a requirement


  1. There is a result


  1. An important choice


13 So the Pharisees said to him, “You are bearing witness about yourself; your testimony is not true.” . . . 30 As he was saying these things, many believed in him.

31 So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free”



  1. We can reject him
  2. We can receive him
Direct download: IBC_20191222.mp3
Category:Light of the World -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Direct download: IBC_Espanol_20191222.mp3
Category:Luz del Mundo -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

People around the world celebrate Christmas in unique ways. 


In the Philippines the “Giant Lantern Festival” is held each year on the Saturday before Christmas Eve in the city of San Fernando – the “Christmas Capital of the Philippines.” The festival attracts spectators from all over the country and across the globe. Eleven villages take part in the festival and competition is fierce as everyone pitches in trying to build the most elaborate lantern.


In Iceland for the 13 days leading up to Christmas, 13 “tricksy” troll-like characters come out to play in Iceland. They are called the “Yule Lads.” For each night of Yuletide, children place their best shoes by the window and a different Yule Lad visits leaving gifts for nice girls and boys and rotting potatoes for the naughty ones. Clad in traditional Icelandic costume, these fellas are pretty mischievous.


Italian children believe that their Christmas gifts are delivered, not by St. Nick, but by a kind, old witch named “La Befana” who uses her broom to clean untidy houses. Legend has it that Befana was cleaning her house, when the Three Wise Men knocked on her door asking for directions to reach the stables where Baby Jesus had just been born. She didn’t know, but she kindly provided them with accommodation for the night. In the morning the Three Wise Men invited her to accompany them on their journey. Too absorbed in her household work, she refused, but regretted it almost instantly. Befana wrapped a present and tried to catch up with the Tree Wise Men, but got lost and is still trying to find the way. So, every year, during the Christmas season, she leaves presents to children in her search for Baby Jesus.


Some of these practices may seem strange to us but we have our own hodge-podge of customs in the US--Rudolf the red-nosed reindeer, Frosty the Snowman and mistletoe!


How ought we to celebrate Christmas? I have good news. We have a model in a kind, wise, and, likely, elderly man. His name is Simeon. His story is recorded in Luke 2:25-35. He shows us how we ought to celebrate God’s greatest gift both at Christmas as well as every day.  He walked with God.  He worshipped God.  And he witnessed for God.


Join us for Christmas at Istrouma this Sunday as we continue our series, “The Light of the World.”


The Light of the World

“Christmas Made Simple”

John 1:1-14


  1. Jesus Is Life


In him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it (1:4-5).




  1. Jesus Is Light


In him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it (1:4-5).





  1. Jesus Is Lord


In him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it  (1:4-5).


Direct download: IBC_20191215.mp3
Category:Light of the World -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Direct download: IBC_Espanol_20191208.mp3
Category:Luz del Mundo -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Direct download: IBC_Espanol_20191208a.mp3
Category:Luz del Mundo -- posted at: 11:30am EDT

Direct download: IBC_Espanol_20191208b.mp3
Category:Luz del Mundo -- posted at: 11:00am EDT

People around the world celebrate Christmas in unique ways. 


In the Philippines the “Giant Lantern Festival” is held each year on the Saturday before Christmas Eve in the city of San Fernando – the “Christmas Capital of the Philippines.” The festival attracts spectators from all over the country and across the globe. Eleven villages take part in the festival and competition is fierce as everyone pitches in trying to build the most elaborate lantern.


In Iceland for the 13 days leading up to Christmas, 13 “tricksy” troll-like characters come out to play in Iceland. They are called the “Yule Lads.” For each night of Yuletide, children place their best shoes by the window and a different Yule Lad visits leaving gifts for nice girls and boys and rotting potatoes for the naughty ones. Clad in traditional Icelandic costume, these fellas are pretty mischievous.


Italian children believe that their Christmas gifts are delivered, not by St. Nick, but by a kind, old witch named “La Befana” who uses her broom to clean untidy houses. Legend has it that Befana was cleaning her house, when the Three Wise Men knocked on her door asking for directions to reach the stables where Baby Jesus had just been born. She didn’t know, but she kindly provided them with accommodation for the night. In the morning the Three Wise Men invited her to accompany them on their journey. Too absorbed in her household work, she refused, but regretted it almost instantly. Befana wrapped a present and tried to catch up with the Tree Wise Men, but got lost and is still trying to find the way. So, every year, during the Christmas season, she leaves presents to children in her search for Baby Jesus.


Some of these practices may seem strange to us but we have our own hodge-podge of customs in the US--Rudolf the red-nosed reindeer, Frosty the Snowman and mistletoe!


How ought we to celebrate Christmas? I have good news. We have a model in a kind, wise, and, likely, elderly man. His name is Simeon. His story is recorded in Luke 2:25-35. He shows us how we ought to celebrate God’s greatest gift both at Christmas as well as every day.  He walked with God.  He worshipped God.  And he witnessed for God.


Join us for Christmas at Istrouma this Sunday as we continue our series, “The Light of the World.”


The Light of the World

“How to Celebrate Christmas”

Luke 2:25-35


  1. Walk with God


Now there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon, and this man was righteous and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him (2:25).


  1. Be saved


  1. Be spirit-led


  1. Worship God


He took him up in his arms and blessed God and said, 29 “Lord, now you are letting your servant depart in peace, according to your word; 30 for my eyes have seen your salvation (2:28-30).


  1. Through song


  1. Through surrender


  1. Witness for God


And Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, “Behold, this child is appointed for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign that is opposed 35 (and a sword will pierce through your own soul also), so that thoughts from many hearts may be revealed.” (2:34-35).


  1. We can reject him
  2. We can receive him
Direct download: IBC_20191208.mp3
Category:Light of the World -- posted at: 10:30am EDT

The Light of the World

“Operation Christmas”

Isaiah 9:1-7


  1. Is about light


The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shone (9:2).


  1. For an unexpected people


  1. For an unexpected place



  1. Is about liberty


You have multiplied the nation; you have increased its joy; they rejoice before you as with joy at the harvest, as they are glad when they divide the spoil. 4 For the yoke of his burden, and the staff for his shoulder, the rod of his oppressor, you have broken as on the day of Midian. 5 For every boot of the tramping warrior in battle tumult and every garment rolled in blood will be burned as fuel for the fire (9:3-5).


  1. Rooted in a conquest


  1. Resulting in a celebration



  1. Is about lordship


For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. 7 Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this (9:6-7).


  1. Bow at his throne
  2. Believe in his traits
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Category:Operation Christmas -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

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Category:Luz del Mundo -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

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Category:Santiago -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

A Wisconsin bus driver is being hailed as a hero after she rescued two siblings found wandering in the snow during last week’s cold snap. Nicole Chamberlain said she found a 6-year-old boy and his 2-year-old sister in Waukesha, not properly dressed for the cold. At the time the temperature was 18 degrees, according to local news reports. The girl was only wearing a T-shirt, boots and her diaper.


Bus surveillance video shows Chamberlain scoop up the girl and put the two on the bus for warmth. Chamberlain wrapped her coat around the girl. "I said, 'What's going on?' and they said, 'We're looking for grandma.' I said, 'Come with me, I'm gonna put you on the warm bus, and I'll help you find grandma.' And so they came with me," Chamberlain said. "I picked them up and put them on my bus and called the police."


Police said the kids' grandmother was watching them but when she went in the basement for a moment, they headed outside to look for her. Within minutes, the grateful grandmother arrived at the bus and explained to police that the two had wandered away from home.


Chamberlain said she was glad her bus route took her past the right place at the right time. "If that were to happen to my children, I would hope that there would be somebody, a decent human being, that would stop and help my kids," she said. Police said they were not recommending charges in the case.


All’s well that ends well.  Those wandering children were found and brought back home.  Somebody was watching out for them!


Little children are not the only ones who wander.  And frigid cold is not the only threat.


God is a good, good father who keeps watch over his children. He doesn’t want us to wander and be lost. For that reason he sent his son to be the savior of the world.  For that same reason he sends those of us who have been rescued to bring back home those who wander.


He calls us to “watch out for wanderers!” That will be our theme this Sunday at Istrouma as we focus on James 5:19-20. Be sure to join us! 


James: Practical Spirituality

“Watch out for Wanderers!”

James 5:19-20


  1. A temptation to avoid


My brothers, if anyone among you wanders from the truth . . . (5:19a).


  1. There is universal guilt


  1. There is unlimited grace



  1. A task to accept


. . . and someone brings him back (5:19b).


  1. God is recruiting workers


  1. God is restoring wanderers



  1. A truth to announce


Let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins (5:20).


  1. There is joy in service
  2. There is joy in salvation
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Category:James -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

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Category:Santiago -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

One of the most exuberant and engaging TV personalities of recent memory was Steve Irwin—the “crocodile hunter.”  He was an Australian who grew up, literally, in a zoo that his parents operated.  When he was six-years-old, he got his first python.  By the time he was nine, he wrestled his first croc.  He loved wildlife and was an advocate for them.


When he was 44-years-old he was snorkeling in chest-high water.  His crew was filming a stingray.  Normally stingrays are described as docile but they do have a venomous barb at the end of their tail. When threatened it is a formidable weapon.  Something must have spooked the stingray because it began thrusting its tail wildly. 


Steve was hit in his heart.  Within a few short minutes he died.


There is so much irony in his death.  He loved animals and advocated for them.  He was young and vibrant.  Death by a stingray injury is very, very rare. 


But the story of Steve Irwin reminds us of how fragile and fleeting life is. We never know when our time will come or how it will end.


How, then, ought we to face the future?  That will be our theme this Sunday at Istrouma as we focus on James 4:13-17. Be sure to join us! 

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Category:James -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

I’m sure it comes as no newsflash, but we are living in a war-torn world.


Think of the serious conflicts that rage globally. Hotspots include: Turkey and Syria, India and Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Yemen, and the list goes on. Not only are there are conflicts between nations, there are conflicts within nations—places like Venezuela and Hong Kong. In fact, it might be easier to list the countries that don’t have war than those that do. Recently the Institute for Economics and Peace evaluated 162 countries. Only 11 were not involved in conflict of one kind or another.


It’s bad enough to have conflict within the league of nations, but how bad is it when it erupts in Little League?! On June 15, 2019, a baseball game for 7-year-olds in Lakewood, Colorado descended into chaos when parents disagreed over a decision made by the 13-year-old umpire.  Spectators captured video of a shocking brawl that ensued. Authorities ultimately issued citations for disorderly conduct to twelve adults. Crazy!


Let me get more personal still.  What about your family?  What about your own heart?  Are you at peace?


This coming Sunday at Istrouma we will focus on James 4:1-10. There God gives us a prescription for peace.  We’ll see the sources of conflicts, the seriousness of conflicts, and the solution to conflicts. Be sure to join us!


James: Practical Spirituality

“A Prescription for Peace”

James 4:1-10


  1. The sources of sinful conflict


What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? (4:1a)


  1. We are self-centered


  1. We are self-sufficient



  1. The seriousness of sinful conflict


You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a firend of the world makes himself an enemy of God” (4:4-5).


  1. We become adulterers to God


  1. We become adversaries to God



  1. The solution to sinful conflict


But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” 7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you (4:6-7).


  1. God offers a present
  2. God orders a prescription
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Category:James -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

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Category:Santiago -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

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Category:Go Global -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

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Category:Llamados a las misiones -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

If you were given one wish, for what would you ask? A lot of money? Fame? A long life?


I heard about a couple celebrating their wedding anniversary. They were both about 50 years old.  As they strolled along the beach, the husband accidentally kicked over a bottle hidden in the sand.  A genie emerged. “You can each have one wish,” she said.


The wife made her wish first. “I would like a luxurious trip around the world with my husband.” Suddenly there appeared in her hand two tickets for just such an adventure.


Now it was the husbands turn. “Well,” said the husband, with a mischievous look on his face, “I wish my wife were 25 years younger than I am.” The words were barely out of his mouth when, poof, he became 75 years old!


The reality is that, if you lack wisdom, even wishes that come true can become curses. Above all else we need wisdom! If you’re going to “make a wish,” wish for wisdom! Pray rightly for it and God will grant it!


This Sunday at Istrouma we will focus on James 3:13-18 and what God says there about wisdom. Be sure to join us!  It’ll be better for you than a trip around the world!


James: Practical Spirituality

“Wish for Wisdom!”   

James 3:13-18


  1. Different origins of wisdom


This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic (3:15)


  1. There’s a wisdom from heaven


  1. There’s a wisdom from hell



  1. Different operations of wisdom


For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice. 17 But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere (3:16-17).


  1. There’s a wisdom that is selfish


  1. There’s a wisdom that is spiritual



  1. Different outcomes of wisdom


And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace (3:18).


  1. There’s a wisdom that produces rebellion
  2. There’s a wisdom that produces righteousness
Direct download: IBC_20191020.mp3
Category:James -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Las dos Sabidurias!

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Category:Santiago -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

“Stick out your tongue.”


That’s the typical instruction you get when you go for a doctor’s visit, right?  Have you ever wondered why? It’s because your tongue tells a lot about you. From anemia, to autoimmune diseases, to allergies, to vitamin deficiencies, to hygiene, to hydration, the tongue can be a good indicator of your physical health.


Did you know that your tongue can also be a good indicator of your spiritual health?  The words that we say (or fail to say) are a telltale sign of the condition of our hearts. Jesus knew this full well. Listen to what he said in Luke 6:45, especially the final phrase, “The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.”  Our tongue is a window through which we can see the health of our heart.


This coming Sunday morning we’ll allow the Great Physician to take a good, long, hard look at our tongues—at the words we speak and the heart that prompts them. We’ll be in James 3:1-12 for a message entitled, “Tame the Tongue.” Be sure to join us!


James: Practical Spirituality

“Tame the Tongue!”   

James 3:1-12


  1. The paradox of the tongue


So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great things. How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire!  (3:5)


  1. It is small


  1. It is strong



  1. The potential of the tongue


With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God (3:9).


  1. It can help


  1. It can harm



  1. The problem of the tongue


But no human being can tame the tongue (3:8a).


  1. James states the problem
  2. Jesus solves the problem
Direct download: IBC_20191013.mp3
Category:James -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

!Controlando la lengua!


"A ver... saque la lengua, por favor...."
Es lo primero que dice el doctor cuando llegamos a su consultorio.
Es porque en nuestra lengua dice mucho de nosotros! Es un indicador de nuestra salud, enfermedades, deficiencias vitamínicas, higiene, hidratación, etc. Pero, ¿sabes que la lengua también puede ser un indicador de nuestra salud espiritual? Las palabras que decimos y aún las que no decimos revelan lo que hay en nuestro corazón (Lucas 6.45 "... de la abundancia del corazón, habla la boca") Este domingo no se pierda este tema de la serie "Espiritualidad Practica" desde el libro de Santiago en la Biblia.


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Category:Santiago -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

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Category:One Another Sunday -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Quien esta en el control?


El Apóstol Pablo desde la cárcel, motiva a sus lectores alegrarse. ¿No es esto contradictorio? como alguien inocente y privado de su libertad. Nos anima a estar contentos.
¿Dónde encontró Pablo la fuerza para hacerlo?
Lo sabremos este domingo, 9:15am.
Todos invitados!!!

Direct download: IBC_Espanol_20191006.mp3
Category:Santiago -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

In the great flood of 2016, over 140,000 homes flooded.  A governmental organization was formed to offer help to those persons affected by the floods.  Hundreds of millions of dollars were allocated for that purpose.  Extensive efforts were made to get people to apply for grants.


Approximately 50,000 homeowners applied for help.  That means that, in very round numbers, only a little more than one-third of those adversely affected by the flood applied for grants.  Why so few?  Perhaps some didn’t think that they needed the help.  Perhaps some were unaware of the offer.  It is likely that some did not believe that the offer would produce any genuine help. 


But I, for one, believed (or at least I was desperate)! Granted, my faith was small and wavering, but I knew we had a need. I also knew monies had been allotted.  So here’s the way my thinking went: perhaps, if I apply, I may get help; but if I don’t apply, I know I won’t get any help.  So, I matched my wavering faith with concrete actions—I applied.  In fact, that small seed of faith gave birth to my actions.  You could say that the “works” of filling out the applications and engaging in the process were the evidence and the product of my “faith.” 


A faith that will not complete the application accomplishes nothing.  In fact any such “faith” is dead.  It is false. 


Genuine faith works.  Authentic faith acts.


In the end, we were blessed with a grant that helped us restore our home.  In a manner of speaking, faith secured grace.  And we are grateful!


That may not be a perfect illustration of the relationship between salvation, faith and works, but it is along the lines of what the Apostle James argues in chapter 2 verses 14-26 of his namesake epistle. He insists that faith without works is dead.  It does not save.  To the contrary, the only kind of faith that saves is the kind that works!


Join us this coming Sunday at Istrouma as we continue our sermon series through the epistle of James in a message entitled, “Don’t Be Fooled by False Faith!”


James: Practical Spirituality

“Don’t Be Fooled by False Faith”   

James 2:14-26


  1. Dead faith


What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? 17 So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead (2:14-17).


  1. Dead faith is announced


  1. Dead faith is alone


  1. Demonic faith


You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder! (2:19)


  1. Demons have faith


  1. Demons have feelings



  1. Dynamic faith


Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered up his son Isaac on the altar? 22 You see that faith was active along with his works, and faith was completed by his works; 23 and the Scripture was fulfilled that says, “Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness”—and he was called a friend of God. 24 You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone. 25 And in the same way was not also Rahab the prostitute justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out by another way? 26 For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead (2:21-26).


  1. Dynamic faith serves
  2. Dynamic faith saves
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Category:James -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

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Category:Santiago -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Micha Caiting



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Category:James -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

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Category:Santiago -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Many of you will remember that, some time ago, we received counterfeit bills in the offering plate at Istrouma! They’re pictured here. You have to look pretty close to see the telltale signs of inauthenticity.


When you stop and think about it, it’s pretty audacious to give an offering to the Lord that’s fake. 


But, let’s be honest, we’re more than capable of doing so, aren’t we?  Oh, we wouldn’t dare to drop a counterfeit bill into the offering plate (after all, you can go to jail for a stunt like that). But when, in the process of worship, our hearts are far from him, we’re equally guilty of trying to “pass a counterfeit.”


I’ve kept those bills as a pointed reminder that God hates hypocrisy. He simply wants us to be the real deal.


The truth is that it’s possible, not only to have counterfeits show up in the plate, counterfeits can show up in the pews as well!  I’m not talking about counterfeit currency; I’m talking about counterfeit Christians.


It is possible to have all the outward religious trappings of Christianity—songs, offerings, prayers—without an ounce of inward reality.  God’s word warns against this ever-present danger in James 1:22, “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”  It is bad when you’re deceived by someone; it is worse still when you are deceived by yourself! 


Join us this coming Sunday at Istrouma as we continue our sermon series through the epistle of James in a message entitled, “Be the Real Deal!”  Let’s cut out the counterfeit!


James: Practical Spirituality

“Be the Real Deal”   

James 1:19-27


  1. Accept the word


Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; 20for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God. 21 Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls (1:19-21).


  1. Requirements for receiving the word


  1. Result of receiving the word



  1. Apply the word


22 But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. 23 For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. 24 For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like. 25 But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing (1:22-25).


  1. Listen to the word


  1. Live the word



  1. Authenticate the word


If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless. 27 Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world (1:26-27).


  1. Examine your communication
  2. Examine your compassion
  3. Examine your character
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Category:James -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

When I was in graduate school in Memphis many moons ago, a friend of mine and I decided to take a spring break trip. We planned to travel to the Smoky Mountains of East Tennessee to do a multi-day hiking and camping trek in the “backcountry.”  For weeks in advance we planned our trail itinerary—how many miles we would cover in a day and where we would camp each evening.  Our schedule was aggressive but we felt that we could do it.


The national park required that a ranger sign off on our plan.  The ranger assigned to our case looked over our plan and promptly denied it.  She said that it was out of the question.  Too ambitious.  She implied that we were incapable of doing what we’d outlined—that the demands of the backcountry at that pace might even put us into danger.  We were ticked!


We insisted that we see her supervisor.  He looked over our plan and—to add insult to injury—he completely agreed with her!  Our choice was simple: cut back on the itinerary per their suggestions or tuck tail and head back home.  We reluctantly bowed to their demands. 


Once we got out into the back country and came face-to-face with the challenges of the trail, we realized pretty quickly that she was right!  We even said that, if we ever got back to civilization, we ought to return to the park headquarters and thank her! 


Turns out she knew better than we did.  We were novices and inexperienced.  We desperately needed the wisdom of someone who knew well both the beauty and the dangers of the trail.


Life is a lot like that Smoky Mountain wilderness.  We are on a trek through life and we desperately need the wisdom of one who knows the trail.  The good news is that, not only do we have a guide who knows the trail, he created it and us!  


The New Testament book of James is like a trail guide for life.  It makes the spiritual practical.  By the inspiration of God’s Spirit, James brings God’s truth to where the rubber hits the road or, should I say, to where the boots hit the trail.


Join us this coming Sunday at Istrouma as we hit the trail with James as our guide!

James: Practical Spirituality

“God’s Trail Guide for Life”   

James 1:1-18 

  1. Trials on the trail 

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, 3 for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. 4 And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing (1:2-4).

  1. Trials are certain
    1. Trials are constructive 
  1. Temptations on the trail

Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. 14 But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. 15 Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death (1:13-15).

  1. Know their origin 
    1. Know their outcome
  1. Truth for the trail

Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers. 17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. 18 Of his own will he brought us forth by the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures (1:16-18).

  1. Our good God is faithful
  1. Our good God is family
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Category:James -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

La guia de Dios para la Vida.

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Dwane Pitre

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Category:Culture Flip -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

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Category:Cultura Contraria -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Christian Anders

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Category:Culture Flip -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Major Brent Taylor was a remarkable man and is an American hero.  The father of seven and mayor of North Ogden, Utah was on his fourth deployment in Afghanistan with the National Guard when he was killed on November 3, 2018.  Part of what made his death so painful was that it was an “insider attack.” 


An insider attack refers to an incident where the shooter is wearing an Allied uniform.  He is supposed to be on the same team, pursuing the same objectives, but his actions betray the cause and wreak untold havoc.  Since 2008 US forces have suffered 355 casualties due to insider attacks.  Nothing is more dangerous or demoralizing than a wolf in sheep’s clothing.


Jesus knew this full well. He gave us this stark warning for the spiritual battle that rages all around us, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves” (Matthew 7:15).  He knows that “insider attacks” are a constant threat against which we should we eternally vigilant.  Deception is a favorite strategy of the Enemy of our souls.


This Sunday we will expose this spiritual danger for what it is.  We will equip ourselves for the battles that await.  Join us at Istrouma as we continue our study through Jesus’ matchless Sermon on the Mount.


Culture Flip

“The Danger of Deception”   

Matthew 7:15-23


  1. False prophets

Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. 16 You will recognize them by their fruits. . . . 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire (Matt. 7:15-19).


    1. Their façade
    2. Their fruit
    3. Their future
  1. Futile profession

Not everyone who says to me, “Lord, Lord,” will enter the kingdom of heaven . . . 22 On that day many will say to me, “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?” 23 And then will I declare to them, “I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness” (Matt. 7:21-23).


    1. Their words
    2. Their works
  1. Faithful pattern

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven” (Matt. 7:21).


  1. Their words
  2. Their works
Direct download: IBC_20190818.mp3
Category:Culture Flip -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

On January 5, 1975 Frank and Sylvia Manley were traveling along a broad highway in the state of Tasmania in Australia.  Darkness began to fall and fog blanketed the area.  But the highway was smooth and they were at ease assuming that the road that they were on would ultimately lead them to their desired destination. 


Their route brought them to the Derwent River.  A high bridge spanned it.  As they neared its apex, Sylvia sensed that something was wrong.  The street lights that lined the roadway as well as the white lines that bordered their lane all suddenly disappeared ahead.  She screamed in fear.  Frank stomped on the brakes and as their car skidded toward an abrupt stop, its front wheels suddenly dropped.  The frame of the car slammed to the roadbed finally arresting their forward progress.  The car seemed to teeter.  Its headlights shone into the swirling waters of the Derwent. 


The Manleys realized at that moment that several sections of the bridge were simply gone.  They carefully and quickly slid out of their car.  In the lane next to them a station wagon, driven by Murray Ling, came to a stop just before the brink; however, another vehicle behind them could not brake in time.  It bumped into the Lings’ vehicle pushing its front wheels over the edge too.  Ling, his wife, and their two small children escaped.


Not everyone was as fortunate.  The bridge collapse was caused by a wayward cargo ship that slammed into its supporting piers.  The falling spans hit the ship and sank it with the loss of seven crew members.  Four cars, unaware of the abyss that had opened, plunged over the precipice into the river below.  Five occupants of those vehicles died that night.


It’s a stark reminder that not every road leads home.  The way may be broad and easy, but the important thing is not our comfort; the essential thing is to get home.


Choose your route carefully.


If this is good advice for earthly routes, how much more so for those that lead to eternal destinies.  Jesus speaks directly to this priority in Matthew 7:13-14, “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.”


Join us this Sunday at Istrouma as we take to heart these words of Jesus from our ongoing study of the Sermon on the Mount.


Culture Flip

“Doors, Directions, and Destinies”   

Matthew 7:13-14


  1. Two doors

“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide . . . that leads to destruction, and . . . the gate is narrow . . . that leads to life . . .” (From Matt. 7:13-14)


    1. There is a wide gate
    2. There is a narrow gate
  1. Two directions

“Enter by the narrow gate. For . . . the way is easy that leads to destruction, and . . . the way is hard that leads to life . . .” (From Matt. 7:13-14).


    1. There is an easy way
    2. There is a hard way
  1. Two destinies

“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. 14 For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few” (Matt. 7:13-14).


  1. There is a destiny of destruction
  2. There is a destiny of life
Direct download: IBC_20190811.mp3
Category:Culture Flip -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Mount Everest is the world’s tallest peak.  It is remote, rugged and foreboding.  Over three hundred climbers have died in pursuit of its peak and many of their bodies still lie frozen where they fell.  Given these facts, something quite surprising happened this summer.  There was a traffic jam on Everest!


Due to weather, typically only a few weeks in May are suitable for the ascent.  This year, bad conditions reduced that window of time to a few days.  For that reason, hundreds of climbers attempted the summit on the same day.  Because there is a single rope that lines the last leg of the journey, it became terribly congested and torturously slow.  In the so-called “death zone” of altitude, that is a recipe for disaster.  Eleven climbers died during this season’s window.


One of the saddest cases in Everest lore is that of a British climber named David Sharpe.  He was an experienced mountaineer.  He decided that he would try a solo summit without the aid of supplemental oxygen.  On his way down he stopped.  Not all of the reasons for his pause are known.  What is known is that 40 different climbers passed him on the trail.  Though they saw his distress, no one rendered aid.  All were too focused on their agenda. 


Oh, that at least one of the climbers would have known and applied the “Golden Rule” that Jesus gave us!  You know it: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”  Had someone done for David what they surely would have wanted someone else to have done for them, he likely would have lived to climb another day.


Commentator William Barclay long ago said that the Golden Rule is the “Mount Everest” of Jesus’ teachings.  It is needed both on the mountain top and in the valleys of life.  Join us this Sunday at Istrouma as we unpack its meaning and encourage one another to apply it to life.


Culture Flip

“The Golden Rule”   

Matthew 7:12


  1. The roots of the Golden Rule

So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets”(7:12a).


    1. Good God
    2. Good gifts
  1. The requirementof the Golden Rule

“So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets”(7:12b).


    1. It is positive
    2. It is proactive
  1. The reason for the Golden Rule

“So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them,for this is the Law and the Prophets”(7:12c).


  1. It simplifies
  2. It saves
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Category:Culture Flip -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Two weeks ago Hurricane Barry threatened South Louisiana with the potential for historic floods.  The waters in the Gulf of Mexico were unusually warm which typically energizes a storm.  The tropical storm was inching northward slowly which meant that any rains would likely be prolonged and drenching.  The Mississippi River was already above flood stage even before Barry’s landfall. 


Everything was set up for it to be another “perfect” storm that would devastate our area. 


But then something really unexpected occurred.  A “dry air mass” materialized and covered Louisiana.  It became a virtual storm wall that held Hurricane Barry’s torrential rains at bay.  The catastrophic floods predicted for our area never arrived. 


Meteorologists were left scratching their heads at this unusual phenomenon.  What happened? 


Let me offer an explanation: God’s people prayed and, in response, God stilled the storm (it wouldn’t be the first time).  In anticipation of the storm, one weatherman had tweeted, in effect, that our best hope was prayer—and he was right!


Someone might counter, “But didn’t God’s people pray in 2016 when the flood waters ravaged our area?”  Yes.  Of course we prayed back then too.  And God answered those prayers as well, though not, perhaps, as we expected or hoped.  Though he did not hold back the waters, he brought us through them—and he taught us through them!  Both experiences worked together for our good and his glory!


The important thing is that, by prayer, we fellowship with God.  By prayer we partner with him in the ushering in of his kingdom and are molded more into his image.


More than once in the Sermon on the Mount Jesus impresses on his disciples—upon us—the privilege and power of prayer!  This Sunday we’ll look at the “big a.s.k.” that he instructs us to make—ask, seek, knock.  Join us!


Culture Flip


Matthew 7:7-11


  1. An invitation to pray

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you (7:7).


    1. Synonymous commands
    2. Sequential commands
  1. An incentiveto pray

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened (7:7-8).


    1. Guaranteed promise
    2. General principle
  1. An illustrationof prayer

Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? 10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? 11 If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!(7:9-11).


  1. Simple comparison 
  2. Stark contrast
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Category:Culture Flip -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

There is a Bible verse that our culture at-large loves!  Even folks that may not be committed to Jesus as Lord are likely to embrace it.  They may not know a lot of the Bible, but it’s likely that they’ll know this verse and can probably even quote it.




Here it is: “Judge not, that you be not judged” (Matthew 7:1).


Why, do you suppose, it’s such a favorite?  What about us, what about our culture, and what about that particular verse makes it so popular?


A clue might be found in the results of a survey that was recently conducted.  Young adults aged 18 to 40 in the US were asked, “What is the greatest virtue?”  You might expect the top answer to be love, or integrity, or humility.  But it was none of these.


The number one response was autonomy.  Autonomy says, “I will do whatever I want. Nobody can tell me what to do or what not to do.” 


Coming in as a close runner-up was tolerance.  Tolerance has traditionally said, “Let’s allow for differing opinions or permissible behaviors, even if we disagree.”  But now, that traditional definition has morphed to a new stance that says, “Not only must you allow for what I do in my autonomy, you must approve of it.”  If you don’t, let’s face it; you’re a hater.  You’re intolerant.  And, in our day, that just might be the worst sin of all! 


These two “virtues” have joined forces.  Together they have become a battering ram for behaviors and choices that, frankly, fly in the face of what God has designed and decreed. 


Yet this is where Matthew 7:1 comes in so handy.  If an action or an attitude is called into question, that particular Bible verse is often trotted out as a foolproof defense: “Judge not, that you be not judged.”


Is that a legitimate use of those words of Jesus?  Are we not to “judge” anything, at any time, in any sense?  How are we to understand rightly and apply these words of Jesus?


We’ll try to answer those questions this coming Sunday morning at Istrouma.  By doing so, we’ll learn how to live better in community with one another under the loving Lordship of Jesus. 


If you can’t be with us in person, join us on Istrouma Baptist Church’s Facebook livestream or at  Messages are also archived there and can be watched at any time.


 Culture Flip

“Jesus on Judgment”   

Matthew 7:1-6


  1. A nuanced command

Judge not, that you be not judged(7:1).


    1. Jesus gives us an imperative
    2. Jesus gives us an incentive
  1. A needed counsel

For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. 3 Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? 4 Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye (7:2-5).


    1. Be tender
    2. Be tough
  1. A necessary caution

Do not give dogs what is holy, and do not throw your pearls before pigs, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you(7:6).


  1. Be wise about helping
  2. Be warned about helping



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Category:Culture Flip -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

 Put on Your Life Preserver   

Isaiah 43:1-2 and 21


  1. We will suffer

Whenyou pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; whenyou walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you” (43:2).


  1. We will survive

“When you pass throughthe waters, I will be with you; and throughthe rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk throughfire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you” (43:2).



  1. We will shine

“. . . the people whom I formed for myself that they might declare my praise” (43:21).







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Category:Culture Flip -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Jeff Williams


Stop Worrying Start Living

Matthew 6:25-34

Worry means to be TORN in two

What does worry do to us?
    Makes us INEFFECTIVE

It’s not about the WHAT and the’s about the WHO


Is Jesus enough?
Will He do it for me?


Isaiah 49:16
Romans 8:32

Philippians 4:6

Live today. Don’t live in regret of past or fear of the future

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Category:Culture Flip -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Long ago Egypt was a world power.  The rulers of that ancient land had immense wealth.  At their deaths, every effort was made to take their possessions with them into eternity.  Huge pyramids and mausoleums were built and stocked with riches and supplies.


But as the centuries slipped by, grave robbers desecrated these sites.  Some 60 years before the time of Christ, a Greek author named Diodorus Siculus visited the tombs of the Valley of the Kings [slide].  He wrote, “We found nothing there except the results of pillage and destruction.”  The pharaohs had not taken their riches with them; thieves had broken in and stolen their treasures.


It was then a tremendous surprise when, in 1922, an expedition uncovered the long-lost tomb of a boy ruler—King Tut [slide].  For some 3,000 years his resting place was undisturbed.  What did the archeologists discover upon entry?  In actuality, Tut had taken nothing with him into eternity.  Everything was still there—oils, perfumes, toys from his childhood, precious jewelry, statues of gold and ivory—thousands of items.  In all, the appraisal of the treasures of his tomb are at three-quarters of a billion dollars.  His solid-gold coffin alone is estimated to be worth $13 million!


One stark lesson we can learn from the pyramids is that you can’t take your treasures with you.  Yet, Jesus makes it clear that, while we can’t take our treasures with us, we can send them on ahead!  He said, “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:19-21).


This will be our focus on Sunday at Istrouma as we continue learning from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.  Join us!


Culture Flip

“Treasure Your Treasure”

Matthew 6:19-24


  1. You need a safe location

Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rustdestroy and where thieves break in and steal, 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also(6:19-21).


    1. You can have treasures on earth
    2. You can have treasures in eternity
  1. You need a security light

The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light, 23 but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness(6:22-23).


    1. Adopt a singular focus
    2. Avoid a split focus
  1. You need a supreme loyalty

No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money(6:24).


  1. A divided loyalty is impossible
  2. A decisive loyalty is imperative
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Category:Culture Flip -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

One of the greatest atrocities of World War II occurred in the Russian metropolis of Leningrad.  The Nazi army besieged the massive city cutting off supply routes.  “Leningrad must die of starvation,” Hitler declared in a speech at Munich on November 8, 1941.  Estimates are that more than 1.5 million people starved to death across the 900 days of the siege for lack of adequate food.


One group of Russians who starved was particularly noteworthy.  They were botanists and scientists who worked in a seed bank called the “Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry.”  They barricaded themselves in the vaults of that facility with rooms full of rice, corn, oates, and potatoes.  They did so to protect the “seeds” from the hungry citizens and marauding Germans.  They had the food resources to live at their fingertips but died of starvation.


I suppose you would class it a heroic tragedy.  It was heroic that they died to preserve seeds for a better day; but it was tragic that they died unnecessarily.  They had untapped resources within reach. 


Could it be that we have all the resources that we need within reach, yet suffer for lack of them?  Absolutely!  Prayer is such a resource!  It puts heaven’s supplies at our disposal but so often we do not take advantage of them.  We do not pray as we ought!  Someone has rightly said, “Nothing is outside the reach of prayer except that which is outside the will of God.”


Jesus wants us to avail ourselves of heaven’s supplies.  God forbid that we fail to have what is needed because we have failed to pray.  What a tragedy that would be! 


This Sunday morning we will look at a “primer on prayer” as Jesus teaches us to pray in Matthew 6:5-15.  Join us at Istrouma!


Culture Flip

“A Primer on Prayer”

Matthew 6:5-15


  1. Jesus challenges our motivations
    1. By alluding to our duty
    2. By alluding to our devotion
    1. By eliminating pagan thinking
    2. By embracing proper theology
  2. Jesus corrects our mindset
    1. By emphasizing the recipient
    2. By enumerating the requests
  3. Jesus communicates a model


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Category:Culture Flip -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

In August of 2013, a zoo in China temporarily closed because of an unusual complaint. Visitors discovered that the zoo's “lion” was, in reality, a dog posing as a lion. According to a report in a Beijing newspaper, the fraud came to light when a mother and her young son visited the zoo and the animal, labeled as an "African lion," starting barking.


Zoo keepers later admitted that the so-called lion was actually a Tibetan mastiff, which is a large dog with a furry, brown coat. The outraged mother said, “The zoo is absolutely cheating us . . . I paid good money for the tickets and I feel defrauded.”


The people were disappointed.  They were swindled because things were not as advertised.


It is disappointing when things are not as they appear.  That kind of discrepancy can raise its ugly head in our lives and in the church.  There’s a name for that.  Hypocrisy.  In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus calls for a halt to the hypocrisy.  No more play-acting. 


This will be our theme this weekend as we dive into Matthew 6:1-18.  Join us Sunday at Istrouma!

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Category:Culture Flip -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Baseball is a game of statistics.  Baseball fans love them.  They chart everything—batting percentage, home runs, strike outs, and the list goes on. 


From this mountain of statistics, we learn that certain achievements are rare.  For example, it is rare when a team executes a triple play (718).  It is rare when a batter hits for the cycle in a game (325).  Those feats are roundly celebrated.  But among the rarest of achievements in America’s pastime is when a pitcher throws a “perfect game.”   This is when a pitcher is able to get every batter out in a nine-inning game.  He faces 27 batters and sits them all down with no hits, no walks, and no errors. 


Baseball has been played professionally for about 145 seasons.  There have been over 217,000 games contested.  Of those, only 23 have been “perfect.”  If my calculations are correct, that is 0.0001 percent of the time. 


“Perfection” in baseball is rare.  Perfection in life is rarer still.  Of the billions of people who’ve lived on earth, only one has been perfect. 


The amazing thing is that the Perfect One—the Lord Jesus—sees all our errors and loves us still.  He is willing to go to the record books and blot out our errors and credit his stats to us.  Now that is something to celebrate!


Join us Sunday at Istrouma to do just that as we continue our walk through the Sermon on the Mount!


Culture Flip


Matthew 5:33-48


  1. Jesus insistson perfection
    1. He gives us a command
    2. He gives us a comparison
  2. Jesus illustratesperfection
    1. In our communications
    2. In our conflicts
    3. In our compassion
  3. Jesus isperfection
    1. He incarnates it
    2. He imputes it
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Category:Culture Flip -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Melissa Brunning was on a multi-day cruise off the coast of western Australia.  One day several participants on the cruise decided to hand-feed some sharks that were spotted in the waters near their boat. 


Video footage shows her offering bait to a passing tawny nurse shark (which looks to be about 7 feet long).  The shark ends up taking the bait--and her hand with it.  It actually pulls her in the water which is croc-infested!


Thankfully, her friends are able pull her back to safety.  After medical treatment, including surgery, she is expected to fully recover. 


To her credit she points the finger of blame at herself.  She says that she didn’t respect the shark sufficiently and will never again be guilty of that.  When fully grown nurse sharks have about 30 rows of teeth in the upper jaw and nearly that many in the lower jaw.


There are some things with which you shouldn’t toy.  Sharks belong on that list.  Snakes belong on that list.  Sin belongs on that list.  There are passing temptations that will, if you reach out to them, drag you into infested waters.


Jesus knew this full well.  He addressed this in a pointed way in the Sermon on the Mount.  In Matthew 5:27-32 Jesus points out the seriousness of sexual sin and ways to combat it.  Join us this Sunday at Istrouma as we dive into this topic.


Culture Flip

“Don’t Feed the Sharks!”

Matthew 5:27-32


  1. An action to avoid:adultery

You have heard that it was said, “You shall not commit adultery”(5:27).

  1. Listen to God’s demand


  1. Learn about God’s design



  1. An attitude to address: lust


But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart (5:28).


  1. Guard your sight


  1. Guard your soul



  1. An answer to apply:don’t feed the sharks

If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell. 30 And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell. 31 “It was also said, ‘Whoever divorces his wife, let him give her a certificate of divorce.’ 32 But I say to you that everyone who divorces his wife, except on the ground of sexual immorality, makes her commit adultery, and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery. (5:29-32).


  1. Get serious about your sin


  1. Get motivated about your marriage
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Category:Culture Flip -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

A lawyer was talking with a woman who had just lost her husband. He said to her, “Your husband did not leave a will, so we need to know the last words he ever said to you.”


She replied, “I don't want to tell you.”


The attorney said, “I am sorry for your loss, but he did not leave a will. We need to know his final words.”


But the woman refused.  “I don't want to tell you,” she said. “It was something between the two of us.”


The attorney decided to try one last time. “Please, ma’am.  Won’t you tell me your husband’s last words?”


Finally, the woman relented. “Okay, I'll tell you. The last thing he ever said to me was, ‘You don't scare me, woman. You couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with that old gun.’”




I trust that our relationships with others would never disintegrate to the point where we would actually shoot someone!  But, as Jesus points out in the Sermon on the Mount, uncontrolled anger is just as deadly (and sinful) a force.  We will take a look this Sunday at the danger of anger and how to be reconciled both with one another and God.


Culture Flip


Matthew 5:21-26


  1. An actionto avoid:murder


You have heard that it was said to those of old, “You shall not murder; and whoever murders will be liable to judgment”(5:21).


  1. Clarify the translation


  1. Categorize the types



  1. An attitudeto address: anger


But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, “You fool!” will be liable to the hell of fire(5:22).


  1. The relationshipof anger and murder


  1. The results of anger and murder



  1. An answer to apply:reconciliation


So if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, 24 leave your gift there before the altar and go. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift. 25 Come to terms quickly(5:23-25a).


  1. The priority of reconciliation


  1. The pace of reconciliation
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Category:Culture Flip -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Harvard is the oldest and, arguably, the most prestigious university in America.  Not surprisingly, the competition for admission is stiff.  Only about 5% of those who apply are actually accepted.  Listen to these academic credentials for incoming freshmen:

  • the average ACT score is 35 (36 is the highest score possible)
  • the average SAT score is 1250 (1260 is the highest score possible)
  • the average GPA is 4.04

To get into Harvard, you have to be nearly perfect academically.  Truth is, it is hard to get into Harvard.

Let me pivot and ask you: “Is it hard to get into heaven?”  Let me offer an answer: No, it is not hard; it is impossible--based on your own qualifications (and mark those final words well).

Listen to Jesus give the admission guidelines for heaven: “unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:20).  Were that standard not sufficiently high, he adds: “You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matthew 5:48).  What Jesus is saying is that you don’t have to be nearly perfect; you have to be perfect.


Perhaps you’ve been tempted to take solace in the hope that God might grade us on a curve.  We just have to be better than the scoundrel scribes and Pharisees.  Piece of cake, right?  Not so fast. 

There’s no curve in God’s grading scale.  The passing grade is 4.0.  36.  1260.  Perfection.

If this prompts a rising sense of alarm in you, good.  The Sermon on the Mount, with its remarkably high moral demands, is not primarily given to tell us how we ought to live (though it does that).  It is instead given chiefly to awaken us to the fact that we are dead in our trespasses and sins and that we don’t (and can’t) measure up left to ourselves. 

It is given, first, to drive us to our knees in brokenness for our shortcomings, and, second, to lift our eyes heavenward in hope of mercy. 

Join us this Sunday as we continue our walk through the Sermon on the Mount in our series called, “Culture Flip.”



Culture Flip

“How to Get in to Heaven”

Matthew 5:17-48


  1. Inscribedrighteousness
    1. Jesus confirms the word of God
    2. Jesus completes the word of God
  2. Implementedrighteousness
    1. Jesus expects a greater righteousness
    2. Jesus explains a greater righteousness
  3. Imputedrighteousness
    1. Our guiltis placed upon him
    2. His graceis provided to us


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Category:Culture Flip -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Culture Flip Week 2

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Category:Culture Flip -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Every year the Gallup organization releases a “World Happiness Report.”  It ranks the countries of the world as to their happiness.  Happiness is measured, in part, with survey questions such as, “Are [you] very happy, pretty happy, or not too happy?”  “Very happy” responses are worth three points.  “Pretty happy” is worth two points and “not too happy” is worth one point.

You might be interested to know where the United States ranks in the 2019 report.  Let me go ahead and break the suspense: we are not #1.  Despite our relative affluence and power, we don’t even make the top five or top ten.  We barely squeak inside the top 20 at the #19 position.  That’s ironic, isn’t it? 

There’s an entire chapter in the “World Happiness Report” that explores this disconnect.  Chapter five’s title begins, “The Sad State of Happiness in the United States.”  Here’s a paragraph from that chapter:

“This decline in happiness and mental health seems paradoxical. By most accounts, Americans should be happier now than ever. The violent crime rate is low, as is the unemployment rate. Income per capita has steadily grown over the last few decades. This is the Easterlin paradox: As the standard of living improves, so should happiness – but it has not.”

We all want to be happy, but many of us are not.  To make matters worse, we may not even know how to be happy. 

But here’s the good news--there is a king who knows how to be happy—truly happy.  It’s written into the very constitution of his kingdom.  That King is Jesus and his constitution is outlined in the Sermon on the Mount.

Our U.S. constitution guarantees the right to the “pursuit of happiness.”  And, to be sure, we’re all frantically pursuing it, but Jesus’ “constitution” guarantees the “possession of happiness.”   



This Sunday we begin a study of that unparalleled teaching.  It show the way to a happiness that is soul-deep and abiding, no matter what turn life takes.


Culture Flip

“How to Be (Truly) Happy”

Matthew 5:1-12


  1. The pronouncement of happiness
    1. The right authority
    2. The right attitudes
  2. The paradox of happiness
    1. As to culture
    2. As to consequence
  3. The progressionof happiness
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Category:Culture Flip -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

In 2018 the average American spent $150 on Easter gifts. That adds up to a national total of $18.2 billion spent! Somewhere along the way the practice of giving gifts at Easter has grown.

I don’t remember getting gifts at Easter beyond the boiled eggs that we colored and hid. But I’m not bitter, really;-). Just because my generation didn’t get gifts, doesn't mean that kids today shouldn’t get them. I've resolved not to be a scrooge.

In fact, you might be surprised to learn that the Bible relates gifts to Easter and its effect! An excerpt of Ephesians 4:8 says, “When he ascended on high he . . . gave gifts to men.”

Now to be sure, these gifts are not chocolate and stuffed bunnies. They are gifts of infinitely greater worth offered by the One of infinite worth.

This Sunday at Istrouma we're going to answer the question, "What gifts are in the Easter 'basket?'"

Spoiler alert: they don't melt and they are yours for the receiving!



Easter at Istrouma

“The Mission of Jesus”

Luke 24:36-53


  1. The gift of peace

As they were talking about these things, Jesus himself stood among them, and said to them, “Peace to you!” (24:36).


  1. Replaces our fears
  2. Reinforces our faith
  1. The gift of pardon

And that repentance for the forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem (24:47).


  1. Has a requirement
  2. Has a reach
  1. The gift of power

And behold, I am sending the promise of my Father upon you. But stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high(24:49).


  1. Empowers us to witness
  2. Empowers us to worship


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Category:Easter -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Tiger Woods is arguably the greatest golfer of all time.  He had a meteoric rise to fame, success, and wealth.  For 683 weeks he was the number one golfer in the world. 


Then life crashed in around him.  He was caught in scandal.  His wife left him.  He suffered a string of injuries that necessitated multiple surgeries including four on his back.  Some wondered if he would ever walk again, much less compete in golf. 


He fell out of the top 1,000 golfers in the world.  For eleven years he failed to win a single major tournament.  His career was as good as dead.


Until last Sunday.


He teed it up against the world’s best at the Masters.  In a fairytale-like ending he came from behind to win his fifth green jacket—22 years after he won his first.  Most sports commentators say that this is the greatest comeback in all of sports history. 


But, let me be clear, as great as is Tiger’s redemption story, there is a greater comeback story than that. 


And it happened on a Sunday morning too!


It is the story of Jesus—once dead now raised to life! Now that’s a comeback story for the ages!


British sports writer Jim White said, “Tiger Woods’ Masters’ triumph showed yet again why there is no greater storyline than redemption.” 


I couldn’t agree more.  Redemption is the greatest storyline in sports and life!  And Jesus’ resurrection makes possible our redemption!


Join us this Sunday for Easter at Istrouma as we celebrate history’s actual greatest comeback!


Easter at Istrouma

“The Resurrection of Jesus”

Luke 24:1-12


  1. Empty tomb

And they found the stone rolled away from the tomb, 3 but when they went in they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus(24:2-3).


  1. Explanation 1: Confusion
  2. Explanation 2: Conspiracy
  3. Explanation 3: Comeback
  1. Expected triumph

He is not here, but has risen. Remember how he told you, while he was still in Galilee, 7 that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified and on the third day rise (24:6-7).


  1. That was foretold
  2. That was fulfilled
  1. Excited testimony

And they remembered his words, 9 and returning from the tomb they told all these things to the eleven and to all the rest(24:8-9).


  1. Remember his words
  2. Return his witnesses
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Category:Easter -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

The Death of Jesus

Sermon Series: Easter at Istrouma

Luke 23:32-46

Istrouma Baptist Church – Jeff Ginn, Lead Pastor

 10:45 AM Sermon April 14, 2019






  1. The cross of the rebel

       39 One of the criminals who were hanged railed at him, saying, “Are you not the Christ? Save yourself and us!” (23:39).

  1. His sinfulness
  2. His stubbornness


  1. The cross of the repentant

       40 But the other rebuked him, saying, “Do you not fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? 41 And we indeed justly, for we are receiving the due reward of our deeds; but this man has done nothing wrong.” 42 And he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”(23:40-42).

  1. His repentance
  2. His request


  1. The cross of the redeemer

       43 And he said to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise”…46 Then Jesus, calling out with a loud voice, said, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!” And having said this he breathed his last(23:43 & 46).

  1. The promise he made
  2. The price he paid



Now, today, I want you to open your Bible to Luke Chapter 23, Luke Chapter 23. As you’re turning there, I want to draw attention to the fact that you can have two people facing the same dilemma, but they make different decisions, and they end up with different destinies. 


You probably have heard the story about a small plane that experienced engine failure mid-flight.  The only souls aboard were the pilot and four passengers – a famous doctor, a brilliant professor, an old preacher and a young student.


As the engine sputtered to a stop, the pilot opened the cockpit door and stepped into the cabin.  He shared the bad news, grabbed a parachute, and jumped.  The shocked passengers did a quick count and discovered that only three parachutes remained for the four of them. 


The doctor said, “My medical expertise is desperately needed so I must live.”  He grabbed a chute and jumped. 


The professor said, “I am the world’s smartest man, so I must live.”  He grabbed a parachute and jumped. 


Now only one parachute remained.  The pastor said to the student, “Son, you are young, you have your whole life ahead of you.  I am old.  I’ve lived a blessed life and I’m ready to meet the Lord.  You take the last parachute.”


The student said, “That’s ok, pastor.  The world’s smartest man just jumped out of the plane with my backpack.”


The people on that plane faced the same dilemma but ended up with different destinies. 


This morning we are going to meet the two men who were crucified on either side of Jesus as he was crucified on that Good Friday so long ago.  They faced the same dilemma but they ended with different destinies. 


Like them we all face the same dilemma—a brief life of joys and sorrows and then death and judgment.  Eternity awaits us all.  There are two destinies—heaven and hell—and what we do with Jesus Christ determines which is ours.


Would you stand as we read God's word, Luke 23 beginning in verse 32. By the way, it's Easter at Istrouma. We're celebrating for three weeks this greatest of all celebrations. We're going to begin this week by looking at the death of Christ. You really don't appreciate the resurrection unless you ponder the death. So today is the death of Christ. Next Sunday the resurrection of Christ. Then finally, we'll look at the mission of Christ that he’s left to us, his followers. So, with that, we now read from Luke's Gospel where God says:

32 Two others, who were criminals, were led away to be put to death with him [that is, of course, with Jesus]. 33And when they came to the place that is called The Skull, there they crucified him, and the criminals, one on his right and [the other]on his left. 34 And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” And they cast lots to divide his garments. 35 And the people stood by, watching, but the rulers scoffed at him, saying, “He saved others; let him save himself, if he is the Christ of God, [the]Chosen One!”36 The soldiers also mocked him, coming up and offering him sour wine37 and saying, “If you are the King of the Jews, save yourself!” 38 There was also an inscription over him, “This is the King of the Jews.”

39 One of the criminals who were hanged railed at him, saying, “Are you not the Christ? Save yourself and us!” 40 But the other rebuked him, saying, “Do you not fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? 41 And we indeed justly, for we are receiving the due reward of our deeds; but this man has done nothing wrong.” 42 And he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” 43 And he said to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.”

44 It was now about the sixth hour, and there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour [By the way, we don’t calculate time as they did. The sixth hour would be the sixth hour after sunrise, or noon. Then the ninth hour would be 3 PM. So from noon to 3 PM, darkness was over the earth. And so, verse 45 says], 45 while the sun's light failed. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two. 46 Then Jesus, calling out with a loud voice, said, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!” And having said this he breathed his last.


Let’s pray.




Please be seated.


This morning we're going to take a look at the three men who were crucified at Calvary on that Good Friday so many centuries ago. Each one of these men faced the same destiny. Death was upon them. Yet, two of them made different decisions, and because of their distinct decisions, they ended with different destinies. Now the point of this is not just to talk about the two thieves and Christ. The point of this is to examine our own lives and to see which of the thieves might best represent us and the decision that we have made, because I'll tell you, we too all face the same dilemma. What is that dilemma? Listen. It's a brief life full of joy and sorrow, soon enough to end, and after that the judgment. And we all face that dilemma. But the decision we make with regard to Christ determines our eternal destiny. So with the weight of that upon us, let's look at each of these three men.


I want to begin with the first of these three, and I'm going to call the cross upon which he died “the cross of the rebel.” The cross of the rebel. Now here, I'm thinking of verse 39. Look at it again. Verse 39 says:

39 One of the criminals who were hanged railed at him, saying, “Are you not the Christ? Save yourself and us!”


Now, how might we describe this rebel? I'm going to give you two words that describe him. First of all, I could describe him as sinful. His sinfulness stands out. He is called here a criminal. In another Gospel, he's called a thief. So we know the nature of his crime was to steal. However, I would just add in this historical anecdote, it's likely that he was not a petty thief because crucifixion was reserved for the worst of criminals. It was capital punishment, obviously; it meant your death. So it is very likely that this man, when it says he was a criminal, he was much more than a petty thief. He probably wedded to his thievery something like the abuse of his victims. Perhaps rape. Perhaps brutality. Perhaps even murder. Some have theorized that he might have been an insurrectionist, in rebellion against Rome’s authority, perhaps an ally of Barabbas, who was set free, you remember. And Christ died in his stead; figuratively dying in all of our stead. Perhaps he was allied with Barabbas, but this was a bad man. A bad dude. He was a sinner. In fact, the word here when it says “he railed on Christ,” the word “railed on” is literally in Greek, the word “blasphemed.” The man was blaspheming Christ. “Are you not the Christ? Save yourself.” He was cursing him. So he was a sinner.


Now, I want to hasten to make this point. Please don't think I'm looking down my spiritual nose at that thief on the cross, because, the truth is, every one of us is likewise sinful. There's not a one of us that’s without sin. We've all rebelled against God. We've broken his law. And thus we've broken his heart. And so, this man very well might represent every one of us as I describe him as a sinner. The Bible says, in Romans 3:23, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” The Pope has sinned. I have sinned. Your grandma has sinned. Don't mean to bust your bubble, but you have sinned. All of us have sinned. And so we could be represented by this thief.


Now the thing that makes it even worse is not just that he was a sinner, for we all are, but that he was stubborn in his sin. His stubbornness really stands out, does it not? Here he is. His life is literally ebbing away, blood drop by blood drop. The time is ticking. The sand is falling through the hourglass. His moments are numbered. You would think, would you not, that at this juncture of life, or I could say at this juncture of death, something in him would have cried out in desperation, “Oh God, have mercy upon me, a sinner.” You would think that there might be some humility in him, some repentance, some remorse, some self-reflection, but none of it. No, instead, he, in a sense, raises his fist to heaven. Very selfishly says, “If you're the Christ, save yourself and us. No interest in a relationship with Christ. Just, “Christ, if you can be my ticket out of this mess, be it for me.” But no surrender to the Lordship of Christ. He is stubborn.


I was reminded of a story that was told by a man named Ravi Zacharias. Ravi is a famous apologist for the faith, wonderful ministry. He had a personal relationship with a reporter from Britain, Malcolm Muggeridge, the legendary English journalist, author, and media personality. Muggeridge had spent some time with Svetlana Stalin, the daughter of Joseph Stalin, while they were working together on a BBC production on the life of her father. Joseph Stalin was, of course, the communist leader who once ruled Russia with a sadistic mentality and an incomprehensible coldness. During his reign untold millions of people were put to death by his command. The numbers are so high that experts can only give broad estimates as to the actual total.


“According to the story that Svetlana told Muggeridge, and Muggeridge in turn told Zacharias, Stalin was plagued by terrifying hallucinations as he lay dying on his bed. Then suddenly he sat halfway up in bed, clenched his fist toward the heavens, fell back upon his pillow, and was dead. It was if his last gesture in life was literally a clenched fist toward God.


“It would be easy to assume that Stalin lived his entire life in steadfast opposition to the concept of God, but that would be a wrong assumption. The fact is that when he was sixteen he received a scholarship to a Georgian Orthodox seminary. He even did well in his classes there until he missed his final exams and was expelled. Not long afterward he began reading the writings of Vladimir Lenin and became a Marxist revolutionary.


“Looking back over Stalin’s life it isn’t hard to deduce that he had an excellent opportunity not only to receive Christ as Savior but also to spend his life in service to Him. That is, after all, what seminary students usually do. But somewhere along the way Stalin came to a spiritual crossroad and chose to reject Jesus.” It reminds me of this thief on the cross. He is a rebel. Sinful, yes, but add to that, stubborn, and refusing to repent and find mercy and grace.


Before I go to the second cross, I'll tell you a story I uncovered this week. There's a fellow who lives in Chicago, David C. Nicosia, a business owner in Chicago. He was outside the Cook County Courthouse there in the greater Chicago area, and he was going to have a court case. While he was waiting outside, there was a very attractive elderly black woman. She's 79 years old. She was sitting outside, and for some reason they got into an altercation. He's about 50-ish; she's nearly 80. And for whatever reason, he got angry with her. He spit in her face. He then slapped her with his open hand and he made some comment along the lines of “You’re no Rosa Parks.”  But, come to find out, the woman he insulted, spat upon, and slapped was none other than the judge herself. She had been outside on a brief break. Her name is Judge Arnette Hubbard. She was the first female president of the National Bar Association and the Cook County Bar Association. Judge Hubbard is a community icon who has served as an election observer in Haiti and South Africa and had long been a voice on civil rights and women's issues. She was the judge. Little did he know, he thought he was just mistreating some insignificant woman, when all the while, she was the judge.


I thought about this thief. He's insulting Christ. Had he been able to, perhaps he would have spat in his face and slapped him. He certainly did with his words and his attitude. Yet, all the while, the one he insulted and the one he pleaded with to come down from the cross was, by his insistence in being on the cross, working out the salvation of that very man. Oh the mercy and grace of Christ. He had said, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” And this man, Nicosia, didn't know what he was doing when he slapped that woman, and so many of us may not realize that in our rebellion we're slapping, in effect, the face of the one who could bring about our forgiveness and salvation. So that is the cross, first of all then, of the rebel.


Could I just challenge us all this morning; let's don't be rebellious against God. I know we're sinners. Let's just confess that. But we don't have to stay in our rebellion against God. We can come to him and plead mercy and grace and find it full and free in Jesus.


Now, let's come then to the second cross. Remember, two different men, two different decisions, two different destinies. There's the cross of the rebel. He dies in his sin, not repenting. But now I want to come to this cross, and I want to call this one “The cross of the repentant.” The cross of the repentant. Look at your Bible, please, again, and I want us to go down to verse 40. There, the Bible says:

40 But the other [that is, the other criminal] rebuked [the first], saying, “Do you not fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? 41 And we indeed justly, for we are receiving the due reward of our deeds; but this man [he said, referring to Jesus]has done nothing wrong.” 42 And he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”


This is one of the most poignant moments in all of the pages of the Bible. This man represents all those who repent of their sins and find salvation in Christ. How might we describe this man? Well I want to speak, first of all, of his repentance. Now, the word “repent” means literally to turn around. If I'm going this way and I repent, I'm going to turn and go 180 degrees in the opposite direction, and that's what's going to occur in this second thief’s life. He was going one way. If you look in the companion story of this in Matthew's Gospel, you're going to discover something very telling, something very interesting, something worth noting, and it’s this, that when they began that trek, when they began the trek up Cavalry, both of the thieves, the Bible says, were hurling insults at Jesus. Both of them. Not just the one on one side, but both of them were, basically saying the same thing, cursing Christ, calling on him to deliver them. But as he makes that journey, something happens in his heart, something radical. Perhaps it was the effect of seeing Jesus cry out, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” He saw the mercy of grace of God in Christ, and he saw his tenderness toward his mother Mary as he called on John the beloved apostle to take care of her. And he heard the sayings on the cross and saw the mercy and grace in Christ’s eyes, and it did something to the man. He repented.


I heard about a Sunday school class of children, and the lesson that day was on forgiveness. The teacher was instructing them from the Bible about that topic. When she concluded, she said, “Now boys and girls, I've got a question for you. What must we do to be forgiven?” And so one little girl raised her hand and she said, “Well, to be forgiven, we've got to confess.” The teacher said, “That's right.” Then another student raised his hand, and he said, “To be forgiven, we've got to repent.” The teacher said, “That's right.” Then this one little mischievous boy raised his hand, and she said, “Johnny, what do you have to do to be forgiven?” He said, “Sin!” Good point. To be forgiven, you’ve got to sin and then confess and repent.


The reason I bring that little story up is to say this, “Whatever happened to sin?” There was a book written by that title a generation ago by a famous psychiatrist, and basically in the book, he was saying, “What happened to sin?” It’s like no longer is there any sin. There are sicknesses. There are addictions. There are complexes inflicted upon us by those who may have mistreated us, but as far as me personally having done anything that might be categorized sinful, it's as though we know nothing of it. But here's the truth: To be forgiven, we must recognize that we have sinned. And I love what we see in the man hanging on the second cross, his repentance.


I see it in two things. First of all, he confesses his faults. I see his repentance in the fact that he confesses his faults. He says to the other thief, “We’re getting what we deserve.” He's acknowledging his sin. Have you ever done that? Have you come to God and said, “God I know that I'm a sinner, and were I to receive what I deserve, I would be punished. I would be separated from your grace and mercy. God I am guilty.” Have you done that seriously and from your heart? You must to be forgiven. This man confessed his fault. But then, add to it this truth. Not only did he confess his fault, but he confessed his faith, and that's how salvation comes. We confess our faults, and we confess our faith. He said of Jesus, “We're getting what we deserve, but this man has done nothing wrong.” Now get this, he saw in Christ the sinless Lamb of God, given as a sacrifice for our sins, and he believed it, and he said, “Lord, remember me when you come in your kingdom.” He confessed his faith in the Lordship of Christ. If you’re to be saved, and if you're to go to heaven, you must do as the thief on the cross did so long ago. Repent, confessing your faults and your faith, and then you need to make a request of the Lord, and that's what this thief did.


I see his repentance, and now his request. He said, “Remember me, Lord, when you come into your kingdom.” That's a prayer.


You know, there's a phrase; perhaps you've heard it before. We term a certain kind of prayer the “sinner's prayer.” Have you ever heard that phrase? And fact, someone may ask you, “Have you ever prayed the sinner's prayer?” In modern times, I've actually got a sense that some people disparage that as though somehow that's not appropriate. But I want to stand today in defense of the sinner's prayer, and say to you, if you don't pray the sinner's prayer, not in any kind of like magical incantation of certain words, but a sincere cry of confession, repentance and appeal for mercy, you're not going to heaven. You've got to do like this thief did, “Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Could I ask you, have you ever prayed the sinner's prayer? Have you ever gotten on your knees, whether physically or figuratively, have you ever gotten on your knees and just said, “Lord, I'm guilty, but I know that you’re sinless and you died in my stead. I'm asking you, Lord, to apply that mercy and grace to me, and save me.” That's the way to heaven. Romans 10:13 says, “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” That's what the sinner's prayer is; it's a sincere cry to God for forgiveness and mercy. If you've never before called on him to be your Saviour, I'm going to invite you to do so today.


So now, let's come to the last cross. I've taught you about the cross of the rebel. He died in his sins, and had a certain destiny. I’ve talked to you about the cross of the repentant. He didn't die in his sin; no, he died to his sin and turned to Christ, and he had a certain destiny. What determined the destiny of both was what they did with the man in the middle, Jesus. His is not the cross of the rebel nor the cross of the repentant because he never rebelled, and he never had anything for which to repent. No, his is the cross of the Redeemer. He didn't die in his sin, and he didn't die to his sin. He died for our sins, the innocent for the guilty. Christ died for us.


I want you to notice the promise he made to that thief on the cross. Look at it now in verse 43:

43 And he said to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.


Oh, if I had the time to just take every one of these words and let each word sit heavily upon our hearts. They're all worth the world. He said, “Truly.” Do you know what that tells me? It's a promise; it's a promise made by none other than the Lord Jesus himself. “Truly, I say to you.” To whom did he make this promise? To the thief on the cross. Listen to me. Some people think that to get into heaven; watch this, watch, some people think that to get into heaven, God's going to have there in heaven a large scale. And on one side, God's going to put all the bad things that you've done – disobedience, lust, pride, jealousy, thievery, abuse, all the bad things you've done – he's going to put that on one side of the scale. Then on the other side of the scale, he's going to put your good deeds. You know, you went to church on an occasion, and you gave something at Christmas time in the red kettle, and you're nice to the little lady across the street, and if you can manage to get enough good deeds to outweigh your bad deeds, then you get to go to heaven. That's what people think. Did you know that you could look throughout the whole of the Bible; you'll never find that to be the case? The best case in point to prove that that is not the path to salvation is the thief on the cross himself. Now, if we were to stack up all the thief’s bad deeds over here, it would be a pretty big stack, would it not? He's lived his whole life a rebel to God. Now on this side, what has this thief on the cross done to merit forgiveness? Had he gone to church? Not that I know of. Had he been baptized? Never. Had he given an offering? No, he had probably robbed from some offering plates, but he had not given anything. No, there was nothing that he had done to outweigh the bad that he had done – except that he had called out to the Lord for mercy and grace, and by that cry of repentance and faith, the scale was tipped.


There's a story that I've loved across the years. It's the story of a man who went to heaven, and Saint Peter met him at the gate. You know it's fanciful because that's not the way it's going to be, but Saint Peter met him at the gate and said, “May I help you?” The man said, “Well, I want to go to heaven; I want to be admitted into heaven.” Saint Peter said, “Well, tell me what you've done on earth, and we'll see if you can come into heaven.” Saint Peter said, “You’ve got to score 100 points and every good thing that you've done has a certain value, and if it adds up to 100 points you get to come in.” So the guy started sweating, and he started thinking of what he had done that was good, and he said, “Well, I went to church on an occasion.” Saint Peters said, “All right, I'll give you a point for that. Then he said, “I gave to charity on an occasion.” Saint Peter said, “All right, I'll give you a point for that.” He started sweating more profusely, and he said, “Well, I went to the soup kitchen on Thanksgiving Day and I served the homeless.” Saint Peter said, “Okay I'll give you a couple of points for that.” He said, “I was married to my wife for 40 years and I never cheated on her.” Saint Peter said, “Okay, three points for that.” He's just struggling, right; he doesn't nearly have enough points. The guy, in exasperation, finally says, “The only way I'm going to get in is by the grace of God.” Saint Peter said, “100 points!”


It's the grace of God. That's the only way you get in, the grace, the unmerited gift of God. His grace tips the scales.  The thief on the cross portrays this so beautifully. Nothing he had done earned his way into heaven, but God in mercy heard his cry, and washed his sins away.


That's good news for us, folks. Now, ought we to do good deeds, ought we to go to church, ought we to give, ought we to be nice to the little lady across the street, and ought we to be a witness for Christ? Yes, yes, yes, and yes. But we ought not do it to earn forgiveness; we ought to do it out of gratitude for having been forgiven.


So, the promise that he made was that the thief would be in heaven, and the price that he paid was he breathed his last. Do you see that? How is it that we get to go into heaven, sinners as we are? We get to go because someone who was innocent paid the price for our sins. The Bible that says we have all sinned also says “the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Our Lord.” Someone must die for the sins that have been committed, and the good news is someone did die. Someone did, as the text says, “breathed his last.” When he breathed his last and died for us, the way to heaven was opened for those who would repent and believe.


Two different men; same dilemma. But two different decisions, and thus two destinies.


I'm going to conclude with this. Let me describe for you a feature of our continent. There’s a backbone to the Western Hemisphere. It runs from the frozen tundra of Canada and the Arctic all the way down through the United States down through Central America, on down into South America, and that backbone is largely constituted of the Rockies and the Andes. It forms what is called the Continental Divide. Now do you guys know what the Continental Divide is? It's a curious thing. Every raindrop that falls lands on one side or the other of the Continental Divide. If the raindrop happens to fall on the western side, every one of those raindrops runs to the Pacific Ocean. By whatever tributary, it makes its way to the Pacific. If a raindrop falls, by contrast, on the eastern slope of the continental divide, that drop of water will eventually make its way to the Atlantic Ocean. It may come through the Gulf; it may go through the Hudson Bay, but it's going to the Atlantic Ocean. It is all determined by on which side of the Continental Divide it falls.


Now, what's my point in telling that? Jesus is the Continental Divide of humanity. Jesus is the Continental Divide of all of human history. Where you end up determines on which side of Christ you fall. If you fall on the side of the cross of the rebel, sinful and stubborn, your destiny is separation from God. If you fall on the side of the cross of the repentant, your destiny is heaven, Paradise, to use Jesus' word in this text. Could I ask you, “On which side of Christ do you stand today, rebel or repentant?” Before you leave this room today, if you’ve not made the decision to get on the right side of Christ, confessing your fault and your faith, I'm going to invite you to do so, so that your destiny might be with him in Paradise when you leave this life, so that you might have joy as you do live this life in obedience to him.


Let's stand together with our heads bowed. I want you to join me in thanking God for his word.


[Prayer and Invitation]


Thank you for having come today. We celebrate the victory of Christ. Here's what the Bible told us today: “He breathed his last.” Were that the end of the story, we'd have nothing to celebrate, as great as his death on the cross was.


Next Sunday, we're going to tell the rest of the story. Until then, have a great week. God bless you.


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7.6 billion.  That’s the reported population of the world.  It’s a big number.  We are called by Christ to reach the all the nations with the gospel.  The task can seem overwhelming.  Just in the United States alone there are some 328 million people, 246 million of whom do not claim to have a personal relationship with Jesus as Lord.


How can we reach them with the good news? 


We must reach them one by one.  In our everyday conversations with our friends and acquaintances, we can share the love of Jesus.  The Bible teaches that there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels when one person repents.  That is God rejoicing.  And he rejoices for the one.

Who’s Your One?


Acts 8:26-40


  1. Ready servant


Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, “Rise and go toward the southto the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.” This is a desert place. And he rose and went(8:26-27a).



  1. Restless seeker


And there was an Ethiopian, a eunuch, a court official of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, who was in charge of all her treasure. He had come to Jerusalem to worship (8:27b).



  1. Remarkable scripture


And [he] was returning, seated in his chariot, and he was reading the prophet Isaiah(8:28).



  1. Redemptive symbol


And as they were going along the road they came to some water, and the eunuch said, “See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized?” And he commanded the chariot to stop, and they both went down into the water, Philip and the eunuch, and he baptized him(8:36-38).


In this Sunday’s message at Istrouma, we will follow the exciting encounter between a believer named Philip and one other person from Ethiopia.  That one man discovered the joy that Jesus brings and, according to tradition, he went on to impact a nation. 


It’s a story that God wants to replicate in our lives—one at a time.


Who’s your one?

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Category:Who's Your One -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT


You’re probably familiar with the tragedy of “friendly fire,” but have you thought about the potential of “friendly faith”? Let me unpack the difference.

Friendly fire refers to incidents when, in the fog of war, a soldier will accidentally fire upon his own forces. The history of warfare is replete with examples. Perhaps the best known is the case of Pat Tillman. He was a gifted athlete who played in the NFL. After 9-11 he voluntarily gave up that lucrative career and became an Army Ranger. He died in the mountains of Afghanistan as a result of “friendly fire.”

Friends can hurt friends (and not just on the battlefield!). But, it is equally true that friends can help friends.

Your faith in the Lord can encourage and transform the lives of your friends. That’s what I mean by “friendly faith.” A great illustration of this is the biblical account of four friends who brought their paralyzed friend to Jesus. There he found healing and, more importantly, forgiveness for sins.

God wants to use our lives and, particularly, our faith to influence others for Christ. Whom can you pray for or encourage today? Whom can you “bring” to Jesus? A kind deed, a quick email or note, a word of witness, an invitation--all of these are examples of ways that we can live out a "friendly faith."

Join us this Sunday at Istrouma Baptist Church as we continue our series entitled, “Who’s Your One?” We'll learn more about living out a faith that makes a positive difference in the lives of our friends.


Friendly Faith

Sermon Series: Who’s Your One?

Mark 2:1-12

Istrouma Baptist Church – Jeff Ginn, Lead Pastor

9:15 AM Sermon March 31, 2019





  1. CooperativeFriends

       And they came, bringing to him a paralytic carried by four men (2:3).

  1. Come the same way
  2. Carry the same weight


  1. CreativeFriends

       And when they could not get near him because of the crowd, they removed the roof above him, and when they had made an opening, they let down the bed on which the paralytic lay (2:4).

  1. Are desperate
  2. Are determined


  1. ConfidentFriends

       And when Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”(2:5)

  1. Have a faith that is visible
  2. Have a faith that is victorious



You’re probably familiar with the tragedy of “friendly fire,” but have you thought about the potential of “friendly faith”? Let me unpack the difference.


Friendly fire refers to incidents when, in the fog of war, a soldier will accidentally fire upon his own forces. The history of warfare is replete with examples. Perhaps the best known is the case of Pat Tillman. He was a gifted athlete who played in the NFL. After 9-11 he voluntarily gave up that lucrative career and became an Army Ranger. He died in the mountains of Afghanistan as a result of “friendly fire.”


Friends can hurt friends (and not just on the battlefield!). But, it is equally true that friends can help friends.


Your faith in the Lord can encourage and transform the lives of your friends. That’s what I mean by “friendly faith.” A great illustration of this is the biblical account of four friends who brought their paralyzed friend to Jesus. There he found healing and, more importantly, forgiveness for sins.


God wants to use our lives and, particularly, our faith to influence others for Christ. Whom can you pray for or encourage today? Whom can you “bring” to Jesus? A kind deed, a quick email or note, a word of witness, an invitation--all of these are examples of ways that we can live out a "friendly faith."


Today, I want to speak on the theme, not friendly fire, but its exact opposite, “Friendly faith.” That is, your faith in the Lord Jesus, lived out, can be a blessing to your friends. It can change their lives and their eternity. I’m going to take you to a story in the Bible where it’s a case of friendly faith. Four friends living out their faith influenced their lame, paralytic friend for time and eternity.


The story is found in Mark chapter 2. So if you have a copy of the Bible, I want you to open it there, please. Mark 2. And in honor of God's word, would you please stand as we read these verses. Mark 2:1-12. There God’s word says:

1And when he [that is, Jesus]returned to Capernaum after some days, it was reported that he was at home. 2 And many were gathered together, so that there was no more room, not even at the door. And he was preaching the word to them.


Could I pause right there and just note what Jesus was doing? As the crowds came, Jesus preached the word to them. You might think that Jesus was a great miracle worker who occasionally preached, but you'd actually have that backwards. He wasn’t a miracle worker who occasionally preached. He was a preacher who often enough did miracles. There is an emphasis in the word of God on the preaching of these truths because it is the preaching of the word of God that is used by him to bring folks to eternal salvation. So today, in the tradition of Jesus, we are preaching the word. Now look, please, to verse 3 and we’ll continue the reading.


3 And they came, bringing to him a paralytic carried by four men. 4And when they could not get [him near] because of the crowd, they removed the roof above him, and when they had made an opening, they let down the bed on which the paralytic lay. 5 And when Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” 6 Now some of the scribes were sitting there, questioning in their hearts, 7 “Why does this man speak like that? He is blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?” 8 And immediately Jesus, perceiving in his spirit that they thus questioned within themselves, said to them, “Why do you question these things in your hearts? 9 Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Rise, take up your bed and walk’? 10But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins”—he said to the paralytic— 11 “I say to you, rise, [take]up your bed, and go home.” 12 And he rose and immediately picked up his bed and went out before them all, so that they were all amazed and glorified God, saying, “We never saw anything like this!


Let’s pray.




Please be seated.


God wants to use our lives and particularly our faith to influence others for Christ. He wants us to live out what I'm going to call today a “friendly faith.” Now today, we're continuing our series entitled “Who's Your One?” We're going to learn more about living out of faith that makes a positive difference in the lives of our friends. You'll know that we have challenged one another through the course of 2019 to pick one person that God would lay on our hearts, a friend that we could pray for and seek to influence in an effort to bring them to faith in Christ. Do you have your one? I trust that you do. All throughout this week, we've been praying day by day, have we not? I hope you have been using your prayer guide. For the 30 days leading up to Easter we're going to be praying for our friends, and I want you to encourage you to invite them to come and worship with you here. If you'll go to the Welcome Desk before you leave, we have a lot of invite cards that you can pick up and use to invite others to come and worship with us, particularly on Easter that's right before us.


Now, the four friends in the story that we’re studying today are great examples for us of what it means to live out our faith with our friends. I'm going to describe these men with three words, and I'm going to give you the three words, and then we'll go back and look at them each in turn. They are Cooperative. They are Creative. And they are Confident. These are going to be the three key words for this morning.


Let's begin, then, by first of all describing them as “Cooperative friends.” Cooperative friends. Now here, I'm thinking of verse 3. Look at your Bible again, please. There it says:

 3And they came [these four friends], bringing to him [Jesus]a paralytic carried by four men.


Now, there are two things that I notice about these four friends. First of all, they come the same way. That is, they’re traveling the same road. They have the same destination. They have the same North on their [compass], and he is Jesus. Notice that it says “they him.” They are all going the same way. Now here they are, each of the four friends, I can imagine them, each one at a different corner of this cot on which the man is lying. Had they been going different ways, they would have drawn and quartered the poor fellow. But instead, they’re going the same way. They are coordinated. They are cooperative. And did you know that churches function best when we are like these four friends, and instead of us each going our own way, we cooperate together to do the Lord's work.


I'm so thankful here at Istrouma we have a North. We have an aim. We’re going the same way. And what is that way? We have a mission, and I think all of you probably can now quote our mission. It is, “We glorify God by making disciples of all nations.” Now, I want us to quote it together. Are you ready? “We glorify God by making disciples of all nations.” That is our aim. Our aim is to get people to Jesus and to help them become followers, dedicated followers, of the Lord Jesus. Let me remind you, here's our process that we follow. It's very simple. Four key steps in it. Number one, Connect. We're looking to connect people to Jesus by salvation and in active church attendance. Connect. Once connected, we want to help them Grow in their faith. Primarily, we do this by helping people get connected to a small group. A lot of these projects that you heard described that went on on Go Day, those were driven by our small groups. Cooperative friends working together to carry out the mission of the Lord. Growing in our faith. Connect. Grow. Thirdly, Serve. That is, get your hands dirty. Put your hands to the plow. Pull your weight. These projects, and projects like them that we do around the world, are avenues for you to put your spiritual giftedness to work for the Lord. And then, the process culminates by us actually going, locally and globally, to the very ends of the earth. This is our mission. This is our North.


I think it's largely because of this that Istrouma, now listen to this, you won't believe it; if you've been a Baptist for a long time, you really won’t believe it, Istrouma is almost a hundred years old – next year we celebrate 100 years – and did you know, to the glory of God, this church has never had a church split. We have always walked in harmony. Have you ever wondered why, why is it we don't fuss and fight? It's because we cooperate. We have the same mission. We have the same goal. We have the same aim. Jesus is our Lord, and we're cooperating together going the same way.


I remember a story I heard some years ago about this fellow who was moving. He was moving from his house, and so he was there in the doorway of his home, the front door, and he was working with a refrigerator. A passer-by walking there, a Good Samaritan, happened to note the fellow wrestling with the fridge in the doorway. The Good Samaritan said, “Hey, could I help you?” And the homeowner said, “I'd love it.” So the man jumped up the steps and came up, and each one got on one side of the refrigerator, and they began to struggle with that heavy fridge there in the doorway. After a couple of minutes they paused to kind of catch their breath. The Good Samaritan said, “Whew! I don't know if we're ever going to get this refrigerator in your house.” To which the owner said, “In? I'm trying to get it out!”


Now, I’ve loved that story across the years, because the truth is we've got to know which way we’re going. We've got to know which way we’re carrying this load. As a church, we don't ever need to be confused. We are working together, and our aim is to make disciples of all nations. If we’ll have the same North, and if we’ll have the same mission, if we’ll go the same way, we’ll be in harmony with one another. So these men, they’re coming the same way.


Secondly, they’re carrying the same weight. They're carrying the same weight. Have you ever heard this saying, “Many hands make light work”? It's true. Many hands make light work. I don't know if you’ve ever had to sustain someone who is what we’d call dead weight. Maybe someone passes out, and you realize how heavy the body is when there’s no life force at work in them. Here's this man, he's a lame man, he can't carry himself, and what a struggle it would have been for just one of these men to have borne him all the way to where Jesus was. But thankfully, there was not one friend or even two friends; there are four friends working together sharing the load.


Now the application is very easy to make, is it not? We, God's people, each need to take hold of our corner of the cot. Each one of us has a load to bear in helping our friends get to Jesus. Each one of us has a load to bear in helping the work of the church go forward, in giving life, and bringing the life-giving news of Jesus to a waiting world. I tell you, it's amazing what can be done when people cooperate together.


I want you to watch a video clip. It's from Perth Australia. You're going to get a glimpse of what people together can do [Video clip was shown]. Here's the story: In Perth Australia, and you can Google this and watch it, there was an incident several years ago where a man was waiting on a commuter train to come through, like a subway. As the train arrived, the doors opened and this fellow began to make his way into the train. There was quite a lot of traffic, foot traffic, and as he was stepping into the train, his foot accidentally slipped down into a crack between the platform and the train itself, and it went all the way up to his hip. There he was, stuck between the platform and a 43-ton train. Soon enough, that train is going to roll out of the station. Well, when the passers-by saw what was going on, they all rallied to where the man was and they, with their bare hands, they leaned into that massive locomotive, and together the crowd relieved the weight of that train enough; they rocked it off that man enough, that the man was able to escape. Now, can you imagine such a thing, the power of working together that they could move a 43-ton train off the leg of that trapped man? It's a lesson to us that if we work together, there's nothing that we can't do that God would will for us to do. We, God's people, have all about us people who are trapped, if you will, in their sins. The Bible even describes us as dead in our trespasses and sins. As good as dead if there isn't some help brought to bear to help them escape from the snare of the devil. And we, God's people, bring that help when we are connected and when we grow and when we serve and when we go together the same way, sharing the weight, God will use us to change the world.


I tell you, we do this as Southern Baptists in a great way. If you don't know, Istrouma is part of a larger network. We’re not an independent church. We are autonomous but we’re not independent; we cooperate, just like the word I'm using to describe. And it's often call “CP Missions.” Cooperative Program, that's what “CP” stands for, the Cooperative Program. Many of you may not even be aware of this, but we’re part of a network of about 45,000 churches, all of us cooperating voluntarily. We, every dollar that you give in the offering plate here, we take a portion of that dollar, and we actually send it away. The very first thing we do with your offerings is we give from our receipts to the work of the Lord around the globe through what we call CP Missions.


Let me tell you some of the things that are done with your gifts through CP Missions. First of all, we have the world's largest Evangelical missions sending agency. It's called the International Mission Board. By the way, we happen to have a couple of our international missionaries with us today, the Melancons. Would you please stand, Pat and your wife? God bless you guys, missionaries around from around the world with us today. Pat's going to come and dismiss us in prayer when we conclude our service. He directs a ministry called Baptist Global Relief. Can I say all these things publicly, Pat? Okay, very good. Sometimes we serve in sensitive areas where there are security concerns. But whenever there's a disaster around the world, let's say that there's an earthquake in Nepal, how do resources get to Nepal to not only alleviate human suffering, but to take the good news of the Gospel? They do it through our CP gifts, and we're supporting missionaries just like the Melancons who serve 365 days of the year taking the Gospel to the ends of the earth. So we support the International Mission Board, more than 4,000 career missionaries.


You know, sometimes we celebrate that we support a young couple in central Asia who are from our church; that Abbie and Tyler are about to go to Eastern Europe. We celebrate these young couples. But again, I say to you, you're not just supporting them. You’re supporting thousands of missionaries, many of whom you will not know their names until you get to heaven. But they're going to come and they're going to say, “Thank you for giving. And because you gave, I was able to go to Afghanistan or to Pakistan or to China or to Ecuador or wherever it may be in the world. Your gifts go. You go by virtue of your gifts. Not only the International Mission Board, but the North American Mission Board. Again, thousands of missionaries serving full-time across our nation, supported by your gifts. We have six seminaries, and many of them are multi-site. We're training probably in the neighborhood of 15,000 new pastors and missionaries and ministers who will serve all over the world, and your gifts sustain those seminaries.


We have the world's third largest disaster relief organization. I’ve already referred to Baptist Global Relief, but here in the states, Southern Baptist Disaster Relief. The yellow hats and the yellow shirts that do relief in places like New Orleans when Katrina hit. Believe me when I tell you, much of the work that is done is done by our network of corporation. So I want to encourage you that God is using you in ways perhaps you never dreamed or never knew. But that's what happens when all of us get against that weight and we do our part in carrying our share of the load. All right, that's the first word, “Cooperative.”


Now, the second word. How could we describe these men? I want to use as my second word the word “Creative.” These men were creative, were they not? Look, if you will, in your Bible again to verse 4.

4 And when they could not get near him because of the crowd, they removed the roof above him, and when they had made an opening, they let down the bed on which the paralytic lay.


Now, I've entered homes by a variety of means. I've rung the front doorbell and I've going in through the front door. If I'm a close friend of the family, I might come in through the carport door. Maybe even I'll come in through the back door. Maybe you've got sliding glass doors to the patio; I've come in through sliding glass doors. I even, I have to confess this, I’ve even come in through the window a time or two. I remember when I was in high school, I stayed out late one night, and my mom and dad, I guess they thought I was already in the house and I was already in bed, all the doors were locked when I got home. I was a teenager, so I began to look for a window that was open. I found an open window in our dining room. So I'm about halfway in the window when I hear this shriek. It's my mother who sees this strange man climbing in through the dining room window. So I’ve come in to a home by variety of means, but I'll tell you this, I've never entered a home through the roof. And I don't suppose these men had either. But the Bible says, they could not get near him, and because they could not get near him through a door, or even through a window, their ingenuity kicked in. Their creativity kicked in. I love this. Churches ought to be seedbeds of creativity. But instead, we're often known for quite the opposite. In fact, somebody has said that the seven last words of the church, do you know what they are? I've told you before. The seven last words of the church: “We've never done it that way before.” The seven last words of the church.


I can take you to a lot of churches today, and they're doing things the way they did them in the 1950s. You open up the door, you walk in, the music they play, the technology they utilize, it's like you've gone back in time. It's like a time warp. And very often, those churches are dwindling.


Now, we're never going to change the message we preach. Don't be alarmed. We're preaching the message that was once for all delivered to the saints. It's an unchanging message, but we ought to bring creativity to bear in our outreach. Let me just ask you this, off the top of your head, I want you to think of the most creative company, or the most creative entity, that exists today. All right, you got one? Let me see a show of hands, you’ve thought of a company that you think's pretty innovative, pretty creative, raise your hand. All right, you got one in mind?


What's the one you have in mind? [Disney.] How many of you thought of Disney when you thought of creativity? All right, a few of you. Someone else, raise your hand. What did you think? [Apple.] Okay, very good, how many thought of Apple? All right, a lot of you did, I see a lot of hands. Maybe one more, any other creative company that came to your mind? [HelloFresh.] Pardon? HelloFresh? What is that? All right, very good. I've got to get more current, I can tell!


How many of you thought the most creative entity on earth today is the church? Wow, okay, one or two of you. I don't think very many people think of the church when they think of creativity, and could I just say, shame on us. Now why would I say that? Because we have the image of God stamped upon us, the Imago Dei. He said, male and female, he made them in His image. He made them. We're in His image.


What does God like? Let just start at the beginning. In the beginning God…? Created – the heavens and the earth. You see, he is creative. Just think of the flowers that he made, the beauty of them, the grandeur of them, the delicacy of them, the colors of them. Roses. Irises. Daffodils. But the Lord is so creative, is he not? And here's the thing: the church is to be creative. You say, “Yes, but I like the way we've always done things.” I know that. I know that. I know you like the way it's always been done. Y’all sit in the same pews every week! I know you like it the same way, and the truth is, I do too. We're all creatures of habit, aren't we? We get in ruts. Have you ever heard this definition of a rut? A rut is a grave with both ends kicked out. You may ought to get out of your rut. And the truth is, we do get out of our ruts. Most of you didn't get here by horse and buggy today. Most of you heated up your coffee with a microwave or Keurig, or whatever those things are.


You love innovation in certain spheres of life, and we in the church ought to appreciate creativity. I just want to say on behalf of Istrouma, and I want to say to the praise of God, we're a pretty creative bunch around here. By some measurements, relatively speaking, we're pretty creative. I can't say that for myself, I'm not that creative, but we have staff members who are quite creative. I would just put a piece of artwork here on the screen. This is from our artist here on staff. This was a design that was made by our art staff, and it was for our student DNOW event. That kind of artwork is very, very cutting-edge, and they were doing a Bible study on the Battleground, Ephesians 6, and the armor of God, and how to win in life. That's creative.


You know, the bumpers that you see before I get up to preach each Sunday, that's our staff, they produce those bumpers. Folks like Jim Szalay and Josh Boyd and Jana and Laura Fuson, very creative people, and it’s to the glory of God. We ought to rejoice in it. We're creative not just in artwork; we're creative, for example, in our outreach in sports. You know, it's not every day you have a church that has a whole sports ministry, and we're blessed that we have it. And I just want to say, Thank you Lord for giving us this ample property and that there were leaders before I came that had the vision to build ball fields and gymnasiums, and we utilize those for the Lord, and that's the way it should be.


A couple of Sundays ago we had a 3-on-3 basketball tournament, and of course this is the time of March Madness, so our Sports Ministry said, “Let's capitalize on that and let's have a basketball tournament.” But the real goal, and if you know ML Woodruff who directs our Sports Ministry, we don't play sports for sports’ sake. We don't even play sports for the children's sake. Well, we do, but I'll explain how. We really play sports for the Gospel's sake – and in that sense, for the children's sake and their parents and their grandparents that they might come to know Christ. For crying out loud, we even have a Pickleball League! That's right, pickleball. Very creative.


I think about our age-graded ministries. They're so creative. A recent Sunday, our children’s staff put on what I think they called “Pajama Day.” They let the children come in their pajamas to Sunday morning, and I know this out of the box, a little bit creative, but they wanted to do something fun for the children, something creative, something out of the box. And here's our children’s staff, just being creative. Don't be mad at them; rejoice that they’re being creative, trying to reach those boys and girls!


Our Student Ministry, they recently had what they called Paint Wars and they just throw paint on each other as a fun activity, and again, when they conclude that, they sit the teenagers down and they tell them the Gospel. Now, are y'all tracking with me? What are we talking about? We’re talking about creativity. Really, when you think about it, that's what Go Day is. Go Day is an expression of creativity, reaching out. We had teams yesterday wash EMS and first responders’ vehicles to touch them with the love of Christ. How creative!


I led the donut team, and we took donuts to Home Depot and just gave them passers-by. Had a team go to Istrouma High School and give out donuts there because our Sports Ministry was doing a baseball clinic, so there those two creative outreaches dovetailed.


We had a block party, and I can’t list all the projects. 53 projects scattered across the city, each one unique, creative, God-honoring, and that's how we ought to live our lives, for the Gospel. Let's do it.


Now, there's a couple of things about these friends and their creativity. The engine of their creativity was their desperation. They are desperate. Have you ever heard this saying, “Necessity is the mother of _____?” Invention. Exactly. These men were desperate. They knew they could not heal their lame friend. They’d known him perhaps all their lives. They knew no doctor could heal their friend. This is the time, this is the place, this is the person, this is the opportunity. If they don't seize it, it may never come their way again. They are desperate. If they can't come through the door and they can't come through the window, they're going to come through the roof, because they're desperate. And I’ll tell you what. One of the reasons our churches are not as creative as we ought to be is because we are not as desperate as we ought to be to see the lost come to Christ. I'm not as desperate as I ought to be, so one of our prayers this morning ought to be, “Lord, make us desperate to reach our friends with the Gospel.” If you're desperate to see your friends come to Christ, you will pray for them. You will invite them. You will share the hope of Christ with them, and I will as well. God help us to be desperate.


And not only were they desperate, they were determined. Yes, desperation makes you determined. They were not going to go home unless that friend got to Jesus. I can imagine it was hot. I've been to that part of the world. I remember one occasion Nell and I were in Jericho; it was 125 degrees in the shade. And here come these men. It's hot, that lame man's heavy, but they're not to be deterred. They're determined to get him to Christ, and they will not take no for an answer.


One last word I want to give you, and that is these friends were Confident. They were confident. Would you look now to verse 5?

5 And when Jesus saw their faith [you could just circle that word “faith”, When Jesus saw their faith], he said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”


Now, I want to be clear about something because I don't want you to misunderstand me, and I don't want to fail to be clear. These friends were not confident in themselves. In fact, I would say they had no confidence in themselves. It was for that reason they made the journey to Jesus. They knew their resources had been exhausted. No, they had no confidence in themselves or in their flesh. In whom, then, was their confidence? It was in Jesus. That's why he was their North. They said, “We've got to get to Jesus.”


Two things about their faith stand out to me. Number one, it's visible. Jesus saw their faith. I'll submit something to you this morning. Listen. All genuine faith is visible. You say, “Where do you see their faith?” That hole up there in the roof. There's the evidence of it. You see, their faith drove them to that decision and that action. James said it this way, “You show me your faith without works; I'll show you my faith by my works.” He said, “I will show you my faith.” Now, we’re not to make a show of our faith, but if we have faith, it will show. Should I say that again? We're not to make a show of our faith, but our faith, if genuine, will show.


Their faith was visible, and then, because it was, that is because it was genuine, it was victorious. That is, their faith reached its goal. In fact, it not only reached their goal, it want far, far beyond their goal. I love what happens in this story. They let that man down in front of Jesus. Jesus looks at him. Well, let me back up. The Bible says Jesus saw their faith and he said, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” Now here there ought to be a sound effect. There ought to be [screeching of brakes]. What? Like the needle coming across the record. Your sins are forgiven? Who said anything about sins? I don’t think they brought him there to get his sins forgiven; how embarrassing is that? Right there in front of God and the world, “Your sins are forgiven.” What sins; who is talking about sin? No, Jesus, he makes a turn here that is sudden and is telling.


You see, the greatest need of that lame man that day was not that he would walk again, as great as that need was. No, the far greater need was that he be saved. That he be forgiven. I don't know in what condition you’ve come today. You may be here a paralytic, and God can heal you and we would rejoice were he to do so this day. But your greatest need is not to be healed of your physical malady. You may be here with intense pain, and I know several of you have aches and pains and sicknesses, and O that God would heal you. But the greater need is our spiritual healing. You may be here in bankruptcy today, and I'm heartbroken that you’re in bankruptcy. But perhaps it is the bankruptcy that will bring you to Christ so that your greater need can be met, and that is that your sins be forgiven.


I think I may have misunderstood this passage for years, because it says “Jesus saw their faith,” and I always thought that meant the faith of the four. And he said he saw their faith, and then he said to the paralytic, quite apart from that, “Friend, your sins are forgiven,” as though they were a separate thing. But I’ve evolved in my thinking on that question. I actually believe that when he said “Jesus saw their faith,” it encompassed the five. He saw the faith of those four friends, and I believe he saw into the heart of that lame man. After all, the lame man was willing to be borne to Jesus. He was willing to come through the roof; he was anxious to. And so I believe Jesus saw right into his heart that that man had faith not only to be healed but to be saved, to be forgiven.


You say, man, what, you think Jesus can see into the hearts of men? Yes I do. Upon what basis? This very story. Because don't you follow the story? It said there were some Pharisees sitting nearby who said – in fact, they didn't say it, let me correct that, they were thinking it in their hearts – “Who is this man?” I can just hear the disdain in their voice, “Who is this man that he could forgive sin?” Jesus perceived what was in their heart while it was yet unspoken. So of course Jesus could see into the heart of that lame man, and he saw faith there, and he responded to the faith that he saw and he healed that man and saved him of his sin, because I'm going to tell you something, the only way to get saved is to exercise personal faith in Jesus Christ as Lord. Here's what the Bible says.

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.


The key to heaven is faith. The key to heaven is committing in your life in faith to Jesus as Lord. And I believe that's exactly what that lame man did.


And in Lagniappe, he got the great thing, forgiveness, but lagniappe came when he was healed. He was healed. Jesus said, “Your sins are forgiven.” And then they questioned him, the Pharisees did, the religious crowd, and then Jesus put a question to them. He said – and I want to put the question to you; are you ready? Here comes the question: Which is easier to say, your sins are forgiven, or rise, take up your bed and walk? Church, how do you answer that question? Which is easier, and I'll give you a hint, which is easier to say? “Your sins are forgiven,” or “Rise, take up your bed and walk.” I'll answer it for you. The easier thing to say is “Your sins are forgiven.” And do you know why that’s easier to say? Because if I say to you, “Your sins are forgiven,” no one can verify whether it occurred or not. I'm clouded in this cloak of invisibility. You don't know if sins have been forgiven or not. But, by contrast, it’s harder to say, “Rise, take up your bed and walk,” because everyone will be able to see whether it happened or not, whether you’re genuine or not. So the harder thing to say is, “Get up and walk.”


Well Jesus took the easier route when he said “Your sins are forgiven.” But then he said to the religious rulers,

But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins” [lest you think I’m a charlatan]… rise, [take]up your bed, and [walk].”


That man took up his bed and he walked, and do you why that miracle occurred? That miracle occurred to confirm that Jesus is who he claims to be. Jesus is God come in the flesh to redeem sinners, and I'll say every miracle that occurs, occurs to verify and certify that Christ is Lord. It's pretty easy to say “Your sins are forgiven.” But it's not easy to accomplish.  Relatively free to say “Your sins are forgiven,” but excruciating to accomplish.


You know it's interesting, in the Bible, much of what occurs in the Bible occurs by virtue of God speaking it into existence. By divine fiat, God created all that is ex nihilo, out of nothing. He said, “Let there be light,” and there was light, no action required. No price to be paid. He spoke it, and it was. One of the few things, if the only thing, that required his action was to redeem us of our sins. He didn't just say “Your sins are forgiven.” No, justice demanded, holiness demanded, that sin be punished, it be atoned for, a price be paid. Justice demanded it, and love paid the price. Jesus died on the cross to pay for our sins, and to prove that price was paid, he arose from the dead. And he lives today to bring forgiveness and salvation to all who will put their faith in him.


Hey listen friend; I was talking a moment ago about the faith of these five. I honestly don't know of what quality their faith was or of what quantity it was. It could be that they came hopeful, not certain, but their faith was sufficient for them to make the journey, and what saves us isn't the amount of our faith, the quality of our faith. What saves us is that we exercise what little, feeble, weak faith we have. Come to Jesus, and when you come to Jesus, you'll find him sufficient to pay every sin.


Would you stand, please?  What a great story, a story about friendly faith. These friends brought their friend to Jesus. He got his cake, and he got to eat it too. He was healed of his illness and he was saved from his sin.  


I know that God today wants to heal our sin-sick souls, make us his own. If never before you’ve called upon Christ as Savior, would you this day?  I want to lead you in a prayer to do that. From your heart, cry out to God.


[Invitation and Prayer]


[Lord’s Supper]




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Category:Who's Your One -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

“Stay thirsty, my friends.”  So ended every commercial in a well-known marketing campaign.  The ads featured an older, debonair fellow dubbed, “The World’s Most Interesting Man.”


In each commercial he would do something exotic and daring—cliff diving in Acapulco, riding a monster wave on some exotic coastline, freeing an angry bear caught in a trap, sowing up his own injury while chatting with medical staff.  You get the idea.


His signature sign-off was “Stay thirsty, my friends.”  The idea is akin to YOLO—"you only live once.”  Go for the gusto.  Get all of the pleasure you can from life.  Stay thirsty.


But if there’s one thing that we humans need no encouragement to do, it’s to “stay thirsty.”  We are driven by thirst—a thirst for wealth, for adventure, for pleasure, for relationships. We are a people parched with thirst!


The truth is, they miscast the world’s most interesting man.  The mantra of history’s real “most interesting man” is not “Stay thirsty, my friends.” We have no trouble doing that. Instead, his polar-opposite offer is, “Quench your thirst, my friends.”  Jesus satisfies the thirsty with living water so that we never need thirst again. 


Turns out, he is not only the world’s most interesting man, he is also the world’s most powerful, most compassionate, and most redemptive man!  He is worthy of our admiration and allegiance.


By the way, in 2016 the company ditched “The World’s Most Interesting Man.” I guess the company was implementing its own slogan. They ditched their pitch man in their thirst for a younger, hipper guy.  But I digress.


This coming Sunday morning we’re going to sit down at a well with the world’s true “most interesting man.” A very thirsty woman is going to come to the well and her encounter with Jesus is going to quench her thirst.  For the first time in her life she will be satisfied.  What she experienced that day so long ago can be our experience as well as we drink the water that he alone gives.


Who’s Your One?

“Quench Your Thirst, My Friends”

John 4:1-30


  1. A solitary woman


A woman from Samaria came to draw water(4:7a).



  1. A satisfying water


But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life (4:14).



  1. A sincere worship


But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him(4:23).



  1. A strong witness


So the woman left her water jar and went away into town and said to the people, “Come, see a man who told me all that I ever did. Can this be the Christ?”(4:28-29)


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Category:Who's Your One -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

It was an exciting day when I got my high school senior ring. Not long afterward I was riding with my friend in his new pickup truck. We were headed to play a basketball game. I decided to take off my ring and lay it on the dashboard of the truck.  As we rounded a curve in the road, the ring slid along the dash and promptly dropped into the AC vent. 


We tried to fish out the ring but with no luck. My friend took his truck to the dealership but they said that it would cost more to take out the dash and retrieve the ring than it was worth. As far as I could see, there was nothing to be done.


Months went by and my friend sold his truck.  For all I knew, I had kissed that ring goodbye forever.


Years later my family and I were living in South America as missionaries.  The phone rang and my mom said that someone had returned my ring!  I could scarcely believe my ears.


Here’s the story of how it was returned.  The truck had ended up in a junkyard as scrap.  Someone had taken out the dashboard to salvage a part.  In doing so they spotted a ring.  They saw that it was from West Memphis High School and the year was 1979.  The initials “JBG” were carved into it as well.  Armed with that information (and a good dose of old-fashioned honesty), they were able to trace it back to my family. 


Few things are as joyful as when something of value is lost and then found.  What happened to my ring is a parable of what can happen with people.  People get lost.  Nothing compares to the joy of finding a loved one that was lost and bringing that person home.


One thing is clear from scripture--Jesus is intent on finding the lost and getting them home.  We are to be like him—intent on finding the lost.  That will be our theme this Sunday at Istrouma as we continue our series “Who’s Your One?”  Join us!


Who’s Your One?

“Lost and Found”

John 1:43-51


  1. Committed to findthe lost

The next day Jesus decided to go to Galilee. He found Philip and said to him, “Follow me” (1:43).


  1. Jesus’ decision
  2. Jesus’ discovery
  1. Committed to followthe Lord

Now Philip was from Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter. 45 Philip found Nathanael and said to him, “We have found him of whom Moses in the Law and also the prophets wrote, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph”(1:44-45).


  1. Philip found the one
  2. Philip found his one
  1. Committed to faith in the Lord

Nathanael answered him, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!”(1:49).


  1. Nathaniel’s curiosity
  2. Nathaniel’s confession
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Category:Who's Your One -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

What’s your favorite Christmas movie?  Commonly mentioned ones include “Elf,” “Home Alone,” and “Miracle on 34th Street.”  But my personal favorite is “It’s a Wonderful Life.”


The main character is George Bailey.  As a young man, he is full of dreams about what his life will become.  He wants to leave his quaint hometown of Bedford Falls and see the world.  But family responsibilities keep him tied down there. 


He never makes a lot of money.  He never travels widely.  His name is not up in lights.  To make matters worse, a mistake by his uncle puts George in hot water with the law.  In desperation he wonders if his life has made a difference and whether it’s even worth living.  He contemplates ending it all. 


When word spreads about George’s crisis, friend after friend comes to his home to offer help.  As they do, they mention the ways that he has impacted their lives.  One would not have had a roof over his head were it not for George.  Another would have gone to prison were it not for George.  The last of his friends to arrive is actually his younger brother, Harry.  George had rescued him from drowning when they were kids.  Because of that, Harry was able to grow up and become a hero in WWII.  He was responsible for saving a whole ship full of men.  Had George not lived, Harry would not have been rescued and, in turn, none of those sailors’ lives would have been saved.


George Bailey learned that his had indeed been a “wonderful life.”  His life was wonderful because he had impacted others.  He was instrumental in saving the life of one who, in turn, was instrumental in saving the lives of hundreds.


Now, as we all know, that movie is fiction.  But the Bible gives us several true accounts of individuals who impacted others for God.  This Sunday I will tell you about the real life story of a man that God used to help bring salvation to his brother and, through him, to many, many others.   I am speaking of Andrew and Simon Peter.  Though Andrew is less renowned than Peter, Andrew, too, lived “a wonderful life.”


The truth is that God wants to use each of us in a similar way.  We discover that “it’s a wonderful life,” as we impact others in positive ways—particularly in leading them to life in Jesus. Join us this Sunday at Istrouma!


Who’s Your One

“It’s a Wonderful Life”

John 1:35-42


  1. A declarationabout Jesus

The next day again John . . . looked at Jesus as he walked by and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God!”(John 1:35-36)


  1. John is the speaker
  2. Jesus is the substance
  1. A decisionfor Jesus

The two disciples heard him say this, and they followed Jesus(1:37).

  1. A consideration of who Jesus is
  2. A commitment to who Jesus is
  1. A duty to Jesus

He first found his own brother Simon and said to him, “We have found the Messiah” (which means Christ). He brought him to Jesus(1:41-42a).


  1. To care
  2. To connect
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Category:Who's Your One -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

In the early 1900s Los Angeles, California was rapidly growing.  To supply the city with needed water, a massive, concrete dam was built in the mountains above the city.  The St. Francis Dam was finished in 1926.  Once the reservoir filled, the seemingly indestructible dam held back more than twelve billion gallons of water. 


Almost immediately upon completion, cracks began to appear in the massive wall.  Fissures widened.  Seepage grew.  The engineers and architects were aware of these issues, but they felt that these faults were in keeping with a dam of this size.  They further believed that there was time to correct the problems. 


But two and a half minutes before midnight on March 12, 1928, the St. Francis Dam catastrophically failed.  Hundreds of lives were lost as a wall of water and debris swept down the St. Francisquito Canyon.  It remains the second greatest loss-of-life disaster in California history behind only the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and fire.


Small fissures and cracks should not be ignored.  Left unattended, they widen.  They threaten the integrity of the very structure they populate.


What’s true for concrete structures is equally true for our lives.  Small cracks in our character cannot be ignored.  They inevitably widen.  They put our families, our friends, our careers, and our testimonies at risk.  A catastrophic failure is the likely future of unattended fissures in our character.


Samson, the seemingly invincible strongman of Israel, started well.  But soon enough, cracks in his character started to appear.  He ignored them to his own peril.  Only God’s grace kept him from being a total loss.


This Sunday we will revisit the account of his life and learn how to avoid, detect, and correct the cracks that threaten our lives.  God’s grace is our hope as well! 


Carousel: The Broken Heroes of Judges

“Samson: A Good Start Doesn’t Guarantee a Good Finish”

Part 2

Judges 14-16


  1. He dishonored his parents
    1. By his rebellion
    2. By his reasoning
  2. He disregarded his pledge
    1. Through carelessness
    2. Through callousness
  3. He discarded his purity
    1. By his sensuality
    2. By his stupidity
  4. He distorted his purpose
    1. From a saving purpose
    2. To a selfish purpose
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Category:Carousel -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

A good start doesn’t guarantee a good finish.  I learned that lesson by running distance events in high school.  The runners that sprinted the first couple of hundred yards and gained an early lead were not necessarily (nor even likely) to be the ones that finished the race well.


This is illustrated well by a couple of world-class milers.  The first man ever to run the mile in less than four minutes was Roger Bannister.  He did so in 1954.  Later that same year, a second runner accomplished the same feat and set a new world record.  His name was John Landy.  Soon enough those two runners met in a long-awaited duel.  It was dubbed the “Miracle Mile.”  100 million people listened via radio to see who would win their match.


At the gun, Landy had a strong start.  In fact, he led the race until the final curve. Because of the way the sun was set in the sky, he could clearly see his shadow and Bannister’s cast on the track.  He estimated that he was some 15 yards in the lead.  To confirm this, he turned his head to gauge Bannister's position. Bannister took that opportunity to pass him on his blind side.  In doing so, he edged out a victory over Landy.


A sculpture of the race-deciding moment stands near the spot where the duel was held.


Landy later said, “I would have won the race if I hadn’t looked back; if I hadn’t taken my eyes off the goal.”


He had a good start, but that doesn’t guarantee a good finish.  To win we have to keep our eyes on the goal.


Landy reminds me of the biblical character whose story we will revisit over the next couple of weeks.  His name is Samson.


Samson started well, but finished poorly.  He fought the Lord’s battles by day but broke the Lord’s commandments by night.  He was strong before men, but weak before women.  His name meant “sunshine” but he ended his life blinded by the very enemies he was sent to conquer. 


Our consolation is that though Samson did not finish as well as he could have, God was not finished doing His work.  As we will see, God is going to carry through to completion what neither Samson, nor any of us, can do on our own.  He is going to save us from our sins and make possible an abundant life that stretches from now to eternity. 


Carousel: The Broken Heroes of Judges

“Samson: A Good Start Doesn’t Guarantee a Good Finish”

Judges 13


  1. A good birth


And the woman bore a son and called his name Samson(13:24a).


  1. Divine plans


  1. Dedicated parents


  1. A good blessing


And the young man grew, and the Lord blessed him (13:24b).


  1. The blessing of growth


  1. The blessing of grace


  1. A good burden


And the Spirit of the Lord began to stir him in Mahaneh-dan, between Zorah and Eshtaol (13:25).


  1. Source of his burden


  1. Stirring of his burden
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Category:Carousel -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Chuck Colson was a young, aggressive attorney.  He rose to be a special assistant to the president of the United States during the administration of Richard Nixon.  He moved in the circles of greatest power and prominence.  He was known to be ruthless and willing to tackle the toughest of assignments.  He was sometimes referred to as the president’s hatchet man. 


In the aftermath of the Watergate scandal that rocked the Nixon presidency, Colson was prosecuted and imprisoned.  He was in a place of abject shame.


But something happened during those lowest days, Colson came to know Christ as His savior.


In an amazing turn of events, the prisoner became a preacher.  Over time he proved to be one of the most influential American evangelicals of the latter half of the 20th century.  He founded Prison Fellowship.  He authored more than thirty books.  He started “Break Point,” a news commentary based on a biblical worldview. He went from shame to fame.


This morning we’re going to meet the biblical character named Jepthah.  He too went from shame to fame as God worked in his life.


No matter what our background or failings may be, God can forgive and cleanse and use us to bring good to others and glory to His name.  He wants to raise us from our shame to the fame of His name!


Carousel: The Broken Heroes of Judges

“Jepthah.  From Shame to Fame”

Judges 10:6-11:40


  1. A lesson on value
    1. A troubled history


Now Jephthah the Gileadite was a mighty warrior, but he was the son of a prostitute(1a).


  1. A trusting heart


So Jephthah went . . . and the people made him head and leader over

them. And Jephthah spoke all his words before the Lord at Mizpah (11).


  1. A lesson on victories
    1. Be diplomatic


Then Jephthah sent messengers to the king of the Ammonites and said, “What do you have against me, that you have come to me to fight against my land?” (12)


  1. Be dependent


Then the Spirit of the Lord was upon Jephthah . . . So [he] crossed over to the Ammonites to fight against them, and the Lord gave them into his hand(29a, 32).


  1. A lesson on vows
    1. Be slow to makevows


And Jepthah made a vow to the Lord (30).


  1. Be sure to keepvows


For I have opened my mouth to the Lord, and I cannot take back my vow (35b).

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Category:Carousel -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

The old saying goes, “Everybody loves an underdog.”  I think it is because underdogs exceed expectations.  They give us hope that we, too, though overwhelmed, can win. 


On Valentine’s Day in 1992, two Alabama high schools met in a regular season basketball game.  They were the Fort Payne Wildcats and the North Jackson Chiefs.  The game was hard fought and went into overtime.  The refs were calling a lot of fouls that night.  Player after player fouled out.  Before it ended, the Chiefs, who had a limited roster, only had 2 players on the court.  It was 2 against 5 and they were down by 1 point with 5 seconds left. 


Against those odds, what are the chances?  Little to none. 


The one Chief inbounded the ball to his teammate who streaked down the court with five Wildcats chasing him.  He shot a layup and missed, but no Wildcat thought to block out the player who inbounded the ball.  He was trailing the pack, got the rebound, and tossed in the winning shot as time expired.


The crowd went crazy because everybody loves an underdog.


We serve a God who loves the underdog.  He glories in exceeding expectations. Often our weaknesses are a platform on which His power is displayed.


The story of Gideon in the Bible is a clear example of how God shows Himself strong through our weaknesses.   Join us at Istrouma this Sunday as we will again see how God can exceed all our expectations as we yield our lives to Him.



Carousel: The Broken Heroes of Judges

“Exceed Expectations: Part 2”

Judges 7


  1. Committed warriors

And the Lord said to Gideon, “With the 300 men who lapped I will save you”(7:7a).

  1. Saved by the graceof God
  2. Serve for the gloryof God
  1. Confident worship

As soon as Gideon heard the telling of the dream and its interpretation, he worshiped. And he returned to the camp of Israel and said, “Arise, for the Lord has given the host of Midian into your hand” (7:15).


  1. Restson the word of God
  2. Responds to the word of God
  1. Curious weapons

Then the three companies blew the trumpets and broke the jars. They held in their left hands the torches, and in their right hands the trumpets to blow. And they cried out, “A sword for the Lord and for Gideon!”(7:20)


  1. Boldness: the trumpets
  2. Brokenness: the jars
  3. Brightness: the torches
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Category:Carousel -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

What an inspiration it is, when someone exceeds expectations! 


I want to tell you the story of a little girl who did just that—repeatedly.


She was the 20th of 22 children in her family. She was born prematurely. Doctors did not expect her to survive. But she did. She exceeded expectations. 


While still a young child, she contracted polio, causing her left leg to become paralyzed. Some people did not expect her to walk again.  But she did learn to walk again with the aid of a metal brace.  Again, she exceeded expectations.


When she was nine-years-old, they removed the leg brace and she began walking without it. When she was 13, she decided to begin running. She entered her first race and came in last. For the next three years, she came in dead last in every race she entered. But she kept on running, and one day she won.  She exceeded expectations. 


Eventually, the little girl who was not supposed to live, who was not supposed to be able to walk, who was not supposed to be able to run and win races, would bring home three gold medals and three world records in Rome's 1960 Olympic games.


That little girl who exceeded so many expectations was Wilma Rudolf.  She said, “My doctor told me I would never walk again.  My mother told me I would.  I believed my mother.”  Her mother was a woman of faith who instilled that faith in Wilma.


We serve a God who glories in exceeding expectations. Often our weaknesses are a platform on which His power is displayed.


The story of Gideon in the Bible is a clear example of how God shows Himself strong through our weaknesses.   This Sunday we will see how God can exceed all our expectations as we yield our lives to Him.


Carousel: The Broken Heroes of Judges

“Exceed Expectations”

Judges 6


  1. A serious crisis
    1. Caused by rebellion(6:1-5)
    2. Cured by repentance(6:6-10)
  2. A surprising call
    1. Because of the recipient(6:11-12)
    2. Because of the requirement(6:14)
  3. A spiritual commitment
    1. To worship(6:24)
    2. To warfare(6:25ff)
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Category:Carousel -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Many of us learned Mother Goose nursery rhymes growing up.  One of the best known goes like this:


“What are little girls made of? 

Sugar and spice and everything nice. 

That’s what little girls are made of.”


How about boys?


“What are little boys made of?

Snips and snails and puppy dog tails.

That’s what little boys are made of.”


Let’s tweak the question and word it this way, “What are godly girls (and guys) made of?”  That is, what are the ingredients that combine to produce women and men who impact the world for God and for good?


This Sunday, in our ongoing series through the biblical book of Judges, we’re going to take a look at a godly woman named Deborah and her colleagues.  Their lives impacted not only their own generation but thousands to follow.   The same factors that influenced them are available to us.  To the degree that we embrace them, to that degree God can bless and use us.


Carousel: The Broken Heroes of Judges

“What Are Godly Girls (and Guys) Made Of?”

Judges 4 & 5


  1. The word of God

Now Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lappidoth, was judging Israel at that time (4:4).

  1. Accept it
  2. Apply it
  1. The work of God

Barak said to her, “If you will go with me, I will go, but if you will not go with me, I will not go.” 9 And she said, “I will surely go with you” (4:8-9a).


  1. Be an encouragement
  2. Be an example
  1. The worship of God

Then sang Deborah and Barak the son of Abinoam on that day(5:1).

  1. Sing with God’s people
  2. Sing for God’s praise
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Category:Carousel -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

There’s an old saying that goes something like this: “God can hit a straight lick with a crooked stick.”  The basic meaning is that God can take imperfect instruments, like you and me, and do amazing things.


How old a saying is it, you may ask?  Well, here’s a version of it from over 300 years ago:


"Do not contemne thy weak brother.  God can raise his thoughts, or direct his follie to a happie end, he can make him an Instrument of glorie, who is now a subject of weaknesse, and can strike a streight stroake with a crooked stick." –Edward Corbet in a sermon to the House of Commons 1642


But I can go back further than 300 years ago.  Let’s go back some 2,000 years.  In 1 Cor. 1:26-28 the Apostle Paul by inspiration of the Spirit of God writes,


“26 For consider your calling, brothers: not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. 27 But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; 28 God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, 29 so that no human being might boast in the presence of God.”


You know what Paul is, in effect, saying?  He is saying that God hits straight licks with crooked sticks.  God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things.


A great recent example of this is the current head football coach of the Clemson Tigers.  His name is Dabo Swinney.  He has led his Clemson team to 2 national championships.  He knows and admits that he is an ordinary person through whom God has done and is doing extraordinary things. 


He is the product of a broken home.  His parents divorced and his father was an alcoholic.  When he went to college to play football, his mother came with him and lived in his apartment because she had nowhere else to go.  He lived through some tough times.  He credits the Lord for bringing him through the tough times of life.  He gave his life to Jesus as a 16-year-old.


His post-game interview after winning the national championship game this year as underdogs was so good!  In part he said,


“And I know we’re not supposed to be here. We’re just little ol’ Clemson, and I’m not supposed to be here. But we are, and I am! . . . Hey listen, I hope that you get a little hope from us and a little inspiration that hey, if we can do it, anybody can do it. And I mean that. If a guy like me — I said this two years ago — you can’t write a Hollywood script like this. Only God can do this, and that’s a fact. And people may think I’m crazy or quacky or whatever, but only God can orchestrate this. No Hollywood producer can write it.  But I’m just telling ya, if I can do it, if these Clemson Tigers can do it, hey, anybody can do it if you have a belief . . . .”


This coming Sunday, in our continuing walk through the Old Testament book of Judges, we’re going to meet some ordinary people through whom God did some extraordinary things.  He can hit “straight licks with crooked sticks.”

Join us at Istrouma!


Carousel: The Broken Heroes of Judges

“Straight Licks and Crooked Sticks”

Judges 3:7-31


  1. A spirit-empowered deliverer: Othniel
    1. His story
    2. His secret
  2. A strategic deliverer: Ehud
    1. His disability
    2. His dependence
  3. A simple deliverer: Shamgar
    1. His insignificance
    2. His impact
Direct download: IBC_20190120.mp3
Category:Carousel -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

There’s one sound that no relay runner ever wants to hear—it’s the sound of a dropped relay baton clanking on the track.


At the 2008 Beijing Olympics, both the United States men's and women's 4x100-meter relay teams dropped their batons—and heard that dreaded sound. 


Both squads were heavy favorites.  Both were leading their races and headed for certain victory.  But both dropped the batons as they headed into their fourth and final leg.  Their long-held hopes of Olympic glory were dashed.


On the surface, relaying a baton does not seem hard.  Batons are about a foot in length, lightweight, and cylindrical.  They go by a simple nickname: the “stick.”  But history has shown that it’s not as easy to make the pass successfully as you might think.  It requires dedicated training and a laser focus. 


To win, the team has to pass the baton well.  Repeatedly.  It doesn’t matter how fast or fearless or experienced the runners are.  If they fail to “stick the passing of the stick,” they are disqualified.


Similarly, the kingdom of God goes forward—it “wins,” if you will—as one generation passes the stick of faith to the next. 


This Sunday we will learn how to take and pass the baton of faith.  Join us at Istrouma!


Carousel: The Broken Heroes of Judges

“Pass the Baton Well to Win”

Judges 2:7-16


  1. A loyal generation (Judges 2:7-9)
    1. Marked by an influential faith (2:7)
    2. Marked by an individual faith (2:8)
  2. A lost generation (Judges 2:10-15)
    1. Marked by their ignorance(2:10)
    2. Marked by their iniquity(2:11-15a)
  3. A loved generation (Judges 2:15b-16)
    1. God saw their distress(2:15b)
    2. God secured their deliverance(2:16)
Direct download: IBC_20190113.mp3
Category:Carousel -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Ever feel like life is a merry-go-round, without a lot of “merry”? 


If you’ve seen many New Year’s come and go, you probably know the feeling.  Been here.  Done that.  New Year’s resolutions that are broken before they are cold.  According to statistics, the percentage of Americans who keep their New Year's resolution for one month is 55.  Who keep it for six months: 40.  Who keep it for two years: 19 (John C. Norcross,; and "Addictive Behaviors" reported in U.S. News & World Report, 1/16/89. Leadership, Vol. 10).


Truth is, there’s a long history of that kind of frustration and failure.  Starting this Sunday, we’re going to walk through the Old Testament book of Judges.  It reveals that the children of Israel were not so different from us.  We will learn from their experiences both what not to do and what to do to be victorious in the challenges we face.

Carousel: The Broken Heroes of Judges

“When Life Is a Merry-Go-Round (Minus the Merry)”

Judges 1-2


  1. Dependence on the Lord
  2. Disobedience to the Lord
  3. Distress from the Lord
  4. Deliverance by the Lord


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Category:Carousel -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

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Category:The Thrill of Hope -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

How many laws are there in the United States?  No one is exactly sure.  It may be that no one can count that high!  They’ve been accumulating, of course, for more than 200 years.  When federal laws were first collected and printed in 1927, they fit into one single volume.  By the 1980s, there were 50 volumes.


The federal tax code alone contains millions of words and is some 6500 pages in length.  There are about 20,000 regulations governing the use and ownership of guns.  According to congressional testimony, there may be as many as 300,000 regulations that can be enforced criminally. 


If there is any good news about our current congress that is virtually gridlocked, it’s that the pace of new laws being added to the books has slowed.  In a recent year only 90 new laws were passed.


This is expansion of laws is not unique to the United States.  The Jewish people were given 10 Commandments by God through Moses.  Pretty simple.  But that grew to 613 laws and rules in the larger Pentateuch.  An oral body of law emerged beyond those 613.  It was finally put into writing and called the Talmud.  It is over 6,200 pages of additional regulations.


From 10 to 613 to 6,200! 


In the US, from 1 volume of laws to 50 to 300,000 regulations! 


Wouldn’t it be great if this mass of burdensome laws could be summed up into one?  Where are the CliffsNotes?!


I have good news this Christmas!


God in Christ gave us one law and his law is love—love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself.  If we would but love, we would need no other law.  Love is the fulfillment of the law!


All the righteous demands of the law were filled by Christ in his incarnation.  He alone has loved perfectly.  That is the real gift of Christmas—his love for us and his love through us!


This Sunday at Istrouma we will marvel afresh at God’s gift of love.  Join us!


The Thrill of Hope

“His Law Is Love”

John 13:34-35



  1. The command to love


A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another(13:34a).


  1. The source of the command


  1. The scope of the command



  1. The comparison of love


. . . just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another(13:34b).


  1. Jesus’ love for us is undeserved


  1. Jesus’ love for us is unending



  1. The consequence of love


By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another (13:35).


  1. It reflects on Christians


  1. It reflects on Christ
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Category:The Thrill of Hope -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

It’s a rare thing, particularly in our American culture, to fall on our knees, isn’t it?  It is reserved for very special occasions.  And rightly so.  It is not something to be done lightly.


I remember one occasion when I knelt before another.  It was a beautiful spring evening, lit by the glow of a full moon.  I knelt before a beautiful young woman named Nell.  I knelt there as a sign of my respect and love for her.  On bended knee I made a commitment to her that night that now spans more than thirty years.


There is someone else before whom every one of us should gladly fall on our knees.  Because of who he is and what he has done on our behalf, we should willingly kneel before the Lord Jesus as a sign of our respect and love for him.  We should make a commitment to him that will span all of life and eternity.


The beloved Christmas carol, “O Holy Night,” reaches a crescendo as it calls on all to “fall on your knees” before the Savior.  This Sunday we will hear the challenge of that carol and the scripture that “at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Phil. 2:10b-11). 


Join us at Istrouma this coming Sunday as worship on bended knee and with humble heart the newborn King!


The Thrill of Hope

“Fall on Your Knees”

Philippians 2:5-11


  1. Because of Jesus’ equalitywith God


. . .Christ Jesus, 6 who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped(2:5b-6).


  1. He is God


  1. He is gracious


  1. Because of Jesus’ emptyingas God


but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant,[c]being born in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross (2:7-8)


  1. He became our servant


  1. He became our sacrifice


  1. Because of Jesus’ exaltationby God


Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, 10 so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father (2:9-11).


  1. He is sovereign


  1. He is savior
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Category:The Thrill of Hope -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Jesus is called by many names or titles in Scripture.


Some of these names have a special tie to the Christmas season—Immanuel, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.


Many of his names, including these that I’ve just metioned, are transcendent.  They speak of His power and sovereignty.  He is Master, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, and the list goes on. 


But there is one name that is especially tender, intimate, simple, and too seldom called to mind.  It’s the name “friend.”  Now, were that title for Jesus not sweet enough, in Luke 7:34 it is added that, not only is he a friend, he is a friend “of sinners.” 


I am so glad that Jesus is a friend of sinners.  That means that he can be my friend and yours!  And that is exactly who he is--our friend!


That name, “friend of sinners,” was originally meant as an insult—an outright criticism, but Jesus took it as a compliment.  It was his mission in coming as a babe to Bethlehem to befriend sinners.  No wonder the Christmas carol tells us that he was “born to be our friend.”  It is because of his friendship with sinners that we can sing of “the thrill of hope”!


The Thrill of Hope

“Born to Be Our Friend”

Luke 15:1-7


  1. Our friend’s concern


What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he has lost one of them . . .(15:4a).


  1. Is for the many


  1. Is for the missing


  1. Our friend’s conduct


. . . does not leave the ninety-nine in the open country, and go after the one that is lost, until he finds it? (15:4b)


  1. Is prioritized


  1. Is persistent


  1. Our friend’s celebration


And when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing. 6 And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and his neighbors, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost.’ 7 Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance (15:5-7).


  1. Is personal


  1. Is public


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Category:The Thrill of Hope -- posted at: 6:02pm EDT

On April 25, 2015 a huge earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale struck Nepal.  Thousands of structures were damaged and the death toll soared to 9,000.  The world watched in horror. 


Rescue personnel threw themselves at the enormous task in front of them.  They grew exhausted and discouraged as they labored hour after hour in a desperate attempt to save lives.  As hope began to fade, the cry of a baby arose from the rubble.  Responders renewed their efforts and after some 22 hours of digging, little Sonit Awal was rescued. 


The weary world rejoiced!


Photographer Amul Thapa, whose pictures captured the story, said that he prayed when he heard Sonit’s cry.  He prayed that God would help them save that baby’s life.  When Sonit was rescued, Thapa said, “When I saw the baby alive all my sorrow . . . [disappeared]. Everyone was clapping. It gave me . . . [joy] in spite of lots of pain hidden inside me.”


The rescue of a baby caused a weary world to rejoice.


That was a baby that the world came to rescue.  This Sunday I will tell you about a baby who came to rescue the world.


Weary world, rejoice!


The Thrill of Hope

“The Weary World Rejoices”

Luke 2:8-14


  1. Because we have a story to tell


And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people”(2:10).


  1. It is a story of good news


  1. It is a story of global news


  1. Because we have a savior to trust


For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord(2:11).


  1. He is our incarnate savior


  1. He is our invincible savior


  1. Because we have a song to sing


And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, 14 “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased”(2:13-14).


  1. It is a song of praise


  1. It is a song of peace
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Category:The Thrill of Hope -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

There are lots of things about the wise men that we don’t know. 


We don’t know how many wise men there were, though tradition teaches us that there were three.  We don’t know their names.  In the sixth century, someone decided that their names were Melchior, Baltazar and Gaspar.  Operas have been written ascribing these names to them.  But no one really knows what their names were.  We don’t know exactly from where they came.  The “east” is a pretty big area.  China?  India?  Babylonia?  We don’t know what their professions were.  Were they kings?  Philosophers?  Astronomers?  


There are lots of things about the wise men that we don’t know, but we do know this: they knew how to worship.


Three times in this brief passage it refers to their worship.  In verse 2 it says, “We . . . have come to worship him.”  Even evil and envious King Herod recognized that they had a heart to worship.  In verse 8 he hypocritically says, “when you have found him, bring me word, that I too may come and worship him.”   Right.  In verse 11 we are told that the wise men, “bowed down and worshiped him.”  Yes, they knew how to worship.  From their example we too can learn to worship.


There are three elements of their worship that we will highlight this coming Sunday and that we ought to incorporate into our own worship of God.  We can share in their journey, their joy, and their generosity. 


Join us at Istrouma as we celebrate the season with our new Christmas series entitled, “The Thrill of Hope.”


The Thrill of Hope

 “Here Come the Wise Men”

Matthew 2:1-12


  1. Share their journey


Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, 2 saying, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him” (2:1-2).


  1. The price of the journey


  1. The purpose of the journey


  1. Share their joy


When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. 11 And going into the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother . . . (2:10-11a).


  1. The celebration of joy


  1. The child of joy


  1. Share their generosity


. . . and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh (2:11b).


  1. Give Jesus your presents


  1. Give Jesus your person
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Category:The Thrill of Hope -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

ESPN has a realtively new feature called “#YouHadOneJob.”  It focuses on people who had one task to do, but failed spectacularly doing it.  It’s a light-hearted look at some sports bloopers.


In life we sometimes think we have a lot to do—go to school, do homework, shuttle the kids, pay the bills, etc.  But the truth is, we really only have one primary task.  That “job” is clarified in Philippians 3:13b-14, “one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”


This Sunday at Istrouma we’ll focus on how to pursue this prize of surpassing value.  Let’s not fumble at the one priority that surpasses all others! 


C’mon man!


Turkey Bowl Sunday

 “Press on for the Prize”

Philippians 3:13-14


  1. Forget what’s behind you


Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind . . . (3:13a).




  1. Fight for what’s before you


. . . and straining forward to what lies ahead(3:13b).




  1. Focus on what’s beyond you


I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus (3:14).

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

It won’t be long till Christmas!  One tradition of this season is the sending and receiving of greetings.  One site estimated that 1.6 billion greeting cards will be sent and that those cards will have a value of some two billion dollars.


It is important to greet one another.


The tradition of greeting one another has strong roots in the Christian faith.  Over 90 times the word “greet” or some form of it appears in the New Testament.  At least four times the command to “greet one another” appears and often that was to be done “with a holy kiss.”


Warm, heartfelt greetings go hand-in-hand with the gospel. 


This morning we’re going to open some “gospel greeting” cards.  They’re an intimate window into the kind of relationships that we, God’s people, are to have with one another, especially as we together labor to take the good news of the incarnate, crucified, risen, ascended, and returning Christ to a needy world.


Colossians 4:7-18 include a stack of these “gospel greetings.”  Let your heart be touched by the love and camaraderie they reveal as we open them this Sunday morning


Jesus Reigns

 “Gospel Greetings”

Colossians 4:7-18



  1. Notice bywhom gospel greetings are sent (4:7-9)


  1. A reliable companion

  2. A recent convert


  1. Notice fromwhom gospel greetings are sent (4:10-14)


  1. Those who stayed


  1. Those who strayed


  1. Notice to whom gospel greetings are sent (4:15-17)


  1. A welcoming servant


  1. A wavering servant


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Category:Colossians -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

People love a good mystery.  Sir Arthur Conan Doyle gave us Sherlock Holmes and his sidekick, Dr. Watson.  Agatha Christie delighted her audiences with the exploits of Hercule Poirot.  My generation grew up with the adventures of the Hardy Boys.  The companion series especially for girls was Nancy Drew.  Even current TV shows likeStranger Things, 24, and NCIS have elements of the mystery genre.


The most famous type of mystery is probably the “Whodunit.”  The plot twists and turns and the reader is left to figure out who is guilty of the crime.  Often the writer leads the readers down rabbit trails with the hope of totally surprising them with an unexpected conclusion.


History’s greatest mystery is this: “How can sinful humanity be made right with a loving, yet holy God.”  We are sinners.  That much is plain.  God does love us.  In his love He would forgive our sins, but, His holiness requires that sin and wrong be punished.  Will He love us and forgive us?  Or, will He do what is just and punish our sins?  How is this mystery solved?  Whodunit?


The Bible was not written to lead us down rabbit trails.  Instead, it is written to clearly reveal “whodunit.” This Sunday we will see in crystal-clear terms how God solved history’s greatest mystery. 


Jesus Reigns

“History’s Greatest Mystery”

Colossians 1:24-29


  1. Glad ministry

24Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in Christ's afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the church, 25of which I became a minister according to the stewardship from God that was given to me for you, to make the word of God fully known(1:24-25).


  1. A ministry of suffering
  2. A ministry of stewardship
  1. Glorious mystery

26The mystery hidden for ages and generations but now revealed to his saints.27 To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory(1:26-27).


  1. A mystery that is revealed
  2. A mystery that is relational
  1. Growing maturity

28Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.29 For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me(1:28-29).


  1. A maturity that requires God’s wisdom
  2. A maturity that requires God’s work
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Category:Colossians -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

We are in the thick of the college football season.  Week 3 is upon us.  One of the most fun elements of the season is the college football rankings.  Everyone wants to know who’s number one. 

LSU started the year ranked 25th.  We then made the biggest jump of any team in America after beating Miami and rose to 11th.  We were lack-luster against Southeastern and slipped back to 12th.  Who knows where we will be after the game against Auburn this coming Saturday!


But there is a perennial power that is always number one!  And, no, I’m not talking about Alabama.  I’m not even talking about football per se.  I’m talking about the one who reigns above principality and power.  No need to wait with baited breath to see the weekly rankings.  He never slips from the top spot.  He is the Lord Jesus!  Of His kingdom there shall be no end!


Colossians clearly presents the truth that Jesus reigns above all.  This Sunday we will continue unpacking this truth and how it should impact every arena of our lives.  Join us at Istrouma!


Jesus Reigns

Part 2

Colossians 1:15-23


  1. Over the Creation
    1. Because of His revelation
    2. Because of His rank
  2. Over the Church
    1. Because of His preeminence
    2. Because of His peace
  3. Over the Christian
    1. Because of our past
    2. Because of our present
    3. Because of our future
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Category:Colossians -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

The world has seen its share of great empires and rulers. 


  • The Roman Empire lasted 1500 years.  It stretched around the Mediterranean Sea with parts of Europe, Africa and the East.  Caesar Augustus, perhaps the most famous of Rome’s potentates, ruled for 40 years.


  • The British Empire lasted for centuries.  It was the empire upon which the “sun never sat” because its protectorates and territories spanned the globe.  Queen Victoria ruled for 63 years.  Her great-great-granddaughter, Queen Elizabeth, is on the throne and has surpassed 67 years as Queen.


  • At times we’re tempted to think we here in the United States are history’s greatest superpower.  But we’ve only existed 241 years and our longest-tenured leader was President Franklin Roosevelt who was in office 12 years.  We’re barely a blip on the screen.


But there is an empire that is eternal and a King who is supreme and without peer or rival. 


At His birth the angel declared, “. . . you shall call his name Jesus. 32 He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. . . . and of his kingdom there will be no end” (Luke 1:31b-33).


Perhaps no book of the Bible better presents this King and His Kingdom to us than does Colossians.  We will make this brief book our home for the next 10 weeks or so.  We will proclaim loudly and clearly that “Jesus Reigns.” 


His reign is beneficent.  Let’s bow our knees and wills before Him for His glory and our own good.


Jesus Reigns

Colossians 1:1-14


  1. In our relationships(1:1-2)
    1. Strangers to one another
    2. Siblings to one another
  2. In our requests(1:3-12)
    1. Our prayers should include appreciation
    2. Our prayers should include appeals
  3. In our redemption(1:13-14)
    1. He rescues us
    2. He relocates us
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Category:Colossians -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Micah Caiting, Student Minister

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In war, communication between the commander-in-chief and his troops in the field is essential.  It can be the difference between victory and defeat.


In WWII the United States faced Japan in the Pacific theatre.  It was a conflict marked by desperate, brutal, and costly battles in places like Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa.


One key element that tipped the scales in American favor was our secure lines of communication.  We had recruited scores of young men from the Navajo tribe to serve as communication specialists.  The Navajo language is one of the most difficult languages in the world to learn due to its syntax and tonal features.  Unless you are a native speaker, it is virtually impossible to acquire their language.  The Japanese were never able to break the communication code that the Navajo “wind talkers” established.


Clear and constant communication between military leadership and boots on the ground is essential for ultimate victory.


Today a war rages about us.  It is unseen but real.  It is a conflict between our Commander-in-chief, the Lord God, and the Devil and the forces of evil.  How this war will fare in your life and mine depends, in large measure, on the communication that we have with God. 


Thankfully, we do not need a special code.  He understands Navajo, English, Spanish, and every other language on earth.  He even interprets the muffled cries of a broken heart.  Prayer is how we communicate with our Lord and bring His inexhaustible resources to bear on the battles that we face.  It is the capstone piece of our spiritual armor.


Ephesians 6:18-20 says, “praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, 19 and also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains, that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak.”



Let’s pray and win the spiritual battles we face!


Suit Up!

 “The Weapons of Our Warfare: Part 3”

Ephesians 6:18-20


  1. All times


Praying at all times in the Spirit, (6:18a).


  1. All types


With all prayer and supplication (6:18b).



  1. All tenacity


To that end, keep alert with all perseverance (6:18c).


  1. All tenderness


Making supplication for all the saints (6:18d).

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Category:EQUÍPATE -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

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Category:EQUÍPATE -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Football is a tough sport.  Injuries are common and it seems that players are only getting bigger, stronger and faster with each passing season.  But it might surprise you to know that there was a time when it was even more brutal than it is today.


In 1905, for example, there were 20 deaths related to football injuries.  Rules were few and protective gear was virtually non-existent.  Here’s a picture of a game from that year.  Note how few of the players had helmets or shoulder pads or anything of the sort.  No wonder so many died.


It got so bad that the President of the United States at that time, Teddy Roosevelt, convened a conference at the White House with officials from schools like Harvard, Yale, and Princeton to see what changes could be made so that the sport would not be outlawed!


Gridiron gladiators need their armor!  It would be foolhardy to run onto a field of play without your helmet or pads.  But it would be far more foolish to engage in the skirmishes of life without the proper protective gear. 


We are in a battle that is more intense and has higher stakes than any sporting event.  It is war—spiritual war.  Thankfully, we have a tactical manual and adequate armor so that we can win this war.


This Sunday we will tackle (no pun intended) part 2 of “The Weapons of Our Warfare.”   We’ll learn about our shield, our salvation and our sword.  We’ll be encouraged to strap them all on tightly as we engage in this spiritual battle.


Suit Up!

 “The Weapons of Our Warfare: Part 2”

Ephesians 6:16-17


  1. Take up your shield

In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one (6:16).


  1. Of conviction
  2. Of conquest
  1. Take up your salvation

And take the helmet of salvation (6:17a).


  1. For victory over the penalty of sin
  2. For victory over the power of sin
  3. For victory over the presence of sin
  1. Take up your sword

And the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God (6:17b).


  1. Of the Spirit
  2. Of the Scriptures
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Category:Suit Up! -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

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Category:EQUÍPATE -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

The German nation was humiliated by their defeat in World War I and the resulting treaties.  These dynamics created great resentment and hardship.  From the shame and ashes of WWI arose the Nazis.  They promised the German people a return to glory and supremacy.  They were led by a crazed madman named Adolf Hitler. 


They built up a vast and menacing war machine.  On September 1, 1939 they unleashed it against Poland, their weaker neighbor to the east.  1.5 million well-equipped German troops poured over the Polish border.  Their tanks and armies swept in like a lightning bolt supported by the superior airpower of the Luftwaffe. 


The Poles were no match.  In some cases they sent out mounted cavalry with swords and lances against armed, mechanized tanks.  It became a complete rout.


Poland and several other European countries fell to the Nazis because they were unsuspecting and ill-equipped.  They did not have the military intel nor armor to stand their ground.  The price that they paid was high.


We, too, no less than they, are in a war.  It is not a battle against flesh and blood, but against the Devil and the forces of evil.  The stakes could not be higher.  God does not want us to be caught unaware and ill-equipped.  For that reason He has given us a tactical manual, the Bible.  In it He details the armor that we can wear so that the victory can be ours. 


This Sunday we will examine carefully the first three pieces of this armor and make sure that we’re protected by them.


Suit Up!

 “The Weapons of Our Warfare: Part 1”

Ephesians 6:14-15


  1. Put on the belt

Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth (6:14a).


  1. Of inspired truth
  2. Of integrated truth
  1. Put on the breast plate

. . . and having put on the breastplate of righteousness (6:14b).


  1. Of positional righteousness
  2. Of practical righteousness
  1. Put on the boots

and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace (6:15).


  1. By accepting the good news of peace
  2. By announcing the good news of peace
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Category:Suit Up! -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

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Category:EQUÍPATE -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

One of the most intriguing figures from World War II is a Japanese soldier named Hiroo Onoda.  He was deployed to the Philippines by his commanding officers.  He was given strict orders never to surrender.  He took those orders seriously.


The war officially ended in August of 1945 with V-J Day, but not for Onoda.  He refused to believe it.  He continued to wage guerilla warfare for 29 more years.  This was no laughing matter.  Estimates are that he was responsible for killing at least 30 Filipinos and wounding approximately 100 others.  He finally laid down his weapons when he was “relieved of his duties” by his old commanding officer who was flown to the Philippines so that he could personally issue the order.


That is tragic—fighting when the war is over.


But there is another tragedy, equally as dangerous.


This other tragedy does not consist of fighting when there’s no war; instead, it consists of not fighting when there is a war.  It is perilous not to know when you have an enemy that is bent on your destruction.


On September 11, 2001 the United States was caught half-asleep by a group that intended our destruction.  Nineteen terrorists aboard 4 jet planes launched an attack that shook our country to its core.  Almost 3,000 people died that day. 


Some of these terrorists had been in our country for months.  Some had taken flying lessons.  It was a plot that was detailed and deadly.  If we had but known that an attack was imminent—if we had been more alert--perhaps the course of events could have been different.


It is bad to fight when there is no war.  It may be worse not to fight when there is a war.


I have a news alert for us this morning.  We are at war!  To ignore this reality is to add to the danger that already surrounds us.  In a new sermon series beginning this Sunday, we are going to learn that, not only are we in a war, but we have been given the armor necessary to win the war!


Suit Up!

“We’re at War!”

Ephesians 6:10-13


  1. Get empowered for the war

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might (6:10).


  1. Be dynamic in the Lord
  2. Be dependent on the Lord
  1. Get equipped for the war

Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil(6:11).


  1. Suit up
  2. Stand up
  1. Get engaged in the war

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm (6:12-13).


  1. Wrestle the enemy
  2. Withstand the enemy
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Category:Suit Up! -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

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Category:EQUÍPATE -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT